Raymond Jr And Hannah

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Raymond Jr
Our home is waiting for us when we arrive from our travels out of country. Hannah has been getting paid well for her research for Anastasia. But we are ready to come back home and have children. I heard that David was put up for adoption and Grace found a good home for him. Felicity lost her mind after everything that went down.
I am so glad we are back home. I missed being able to speak English and people understanding it. I did learn various languages and Raymond had to anyway so he knew flight schedules and he learned a lot more than I did. A lot of marriages since we left. Anastasia had triplets. She said she is done having babies. Robert and Lisa adopted four children. We had a great time overseas and lived in the Anastasia and Christian's homes and had staff and security. We flew the GEH staff around and we were paid well. They have a rotation and we had finished our rotation.
Raymond Jr
We haven't told anyone but Hannah is pregnant and doesn't want our children born overseas or out of the country at all. So we ended our rotation and came back.
I knew when Ray J and Hannah was coming back. Ginny Oscar and Andrew can't wait to see what they have bought them. We kept in touch because we are great friends and we have been over there with the kids and we set up new systems for GEH international. Susan and I are the best that GEH has and we keep up on everything. Felicity is still in a mental hospital and it was a good thing they found a couple from out of state to adopt David because she thinks Teddy is her son still to this day. They have to inform the family if she gets out of the hospital. If she goes near them she won't be placed back in the hospital she will be in prison. Susan and I have decided to have more children. If we can't we will adopt. Susan was at first didn't think marrying a widow was a good idea, but I finally gave her a new prospective on it and we married. I might have lost my lovely wife, but I got two wonderful babies and found a woman who broke down all the walls I built up, but then I had to get her to trust that I was in love with her. I had a lot of cheerleaders helping me on that along with her sister helping her to know she would be safe with me. Plus my children loved her and her son. A plus in any situation.
Barney has been the best husband anyone can imagine. Carl and Allison are nearing teaching to drive age and I promised I would teach them after losing a bet with Anastasia and Robert. Mom and dad won't teach them after seeing how accident prone both are. We decided an old junk car will be best to use and security has found time and a track to teach defensive driving to them. If I had known we could get our security staff to teach us to drive like this I would have had them do mine. But we didn't know and we were taught by Anastasia as usual. We all were older than our years. We had no choice to be, but Anastasia had to be the grown up over all of us. She did a great job for what she had to do. None of us knew that she used her trust fund to assure we were safe at all times. It put us all through classes and everything she could provide to assure we grew up well rounded and to keep us so busy we couldn't find the time to get into trouble. My getting pregnant was due to being given a mickey and I wasn't the only one Jacob. That was another thing he got charged with, several of us had him followed after we found out we had the same stories and he was caught putting something in a lady's drink at the bar. He was underage and he drugged more than one lady's drink thinking it was funny. Video and the bar tender and bouncer were witness to his actions and found the drug in his pockets. His bail was revoked.
Susan keeps getting mail and calls from Jacob, but I have recently made some calls and they are putting a stop to all of it at the prison. There is no way that creep is getting near her or Andrew. At this point it is proof that he basically raped her after drugging her. I am glad we know about this and we had good legal help to get him to sign his rights away. Susan and I agree we will not tell him unless it is necessary about his real father and paternal grandparents. The family is having a get together at Anastasia and Christian's place it is like a child's fantasy land over there. Our children love going over there to play. GEH finally decided to create a free childcare center just like they have at their house, but indoors. It caught on and they built it in several places throughout the city. GEH supplemented the fees based on ability to pay. They encouraged the bus routes to include the childcare centers. Then they went a step further and created a job placement and training center then clothing and food donation centers. Elliott got involved and it became a family thing and it grew into a bigger deal. They found buildings that they could create apartments as well as medical treatment and made it even more of a facility you could get help of almost any kind there. The first full service complex for those in need, there were some who opposed it and there were some questions raised as to why a billionaire and his family would go to so much trouble to help the poor.

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