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To be told the truth, now that the testing of Lady Diana is done, you don't know what to do.

It was your main purpose of coming in the imperial palace in the first place, and now that the testing is done. You don't know what to do. And you're getting bored.

"Do you want to go somewhere?"

It was a deep voice that made you look up from the book you're current totally not reading as your mind as preoccupied on how boring the past few days have gone by.

"Am I allowed to go outside?"

You asked back, closing the book in your arms as you look directly at him in the eyes

"Of course, you are free to do whatever you like"

He replied, eventually looking away from your bright (eye color) iris and look around the wide library the two of you were currently at

"I see, this is more of a vacation then"

You whisper to yourself

"What is it?"

Felix wonder, leaning down so he can hear what you just said which cause you to flinch as you accidentally look up where your glaze meet

So close,

You thought as you kept staring at his gray iris.

So you look away and clear your throat before saying,

"I want to go see the capital"

You look at him once again, this time he's now standing straight right beside you.

"Would it be possible?"

You asked

"Of course, I'll arrange it right away"

He spoke

Excusing himself right away. You are left alone inside the spacious library filled with nothing but of course, books.

With a good minute of silence, you decided to stand up and take a stroll inside the huge library.

"Its still the same"

You spoke to yourself as you look around, hands clasp behind your back as you silently walk down the aisle

You continue to wonder around until you reach the end of the shelves, and there you stop. Finding yourself in the deep corner of the library, you found a small round table on the corner with two chairs, the sunlight coming from the window right beside it.

You could not help but to blink.

"Mind if I sit across you.. My Lady?"

It was a voice of a man that made you look away from your book

Somehow (Felix Robane)Where stories live. Discover now