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Takes place in the same universe as the other extra in Always, thus you know the drill.



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"Are you okay?"

A voice pulled him back to reality.

Looking away from the certain figure in the distance, Felix turn to his side and saw the Holy Knight of the Saintess with two wine class in hand yet filled with different beverage. The one that was holding out into him was filled with wine while the other than would be kept by Theodore was just a grape juice.

Noticing the complicated gaze on his face, Theodore laughs before saying.

"You looked like you needed a drink."

Then eventually shoving the wine glass on his hand.

Say that to yourself.

Felix though but he didn't dare say it out loud as he followed Theodore gaze which was on the Emperor, Claude and the Empress, the Saintess. Who's lovingly dancing in the middle of the dance floor.

Turning his gaze away from the newly wedded couple, he turn his gaze back into Theodore who has a longing look on his face. For a moment, a though suddenly came into mind.

Do I look like that a few moments ago?

It made him shake his head with a chuckle.

"I'm going to get some fresh air."

Felix stated on the Holy High beside him.

"What about you?"

"Aren't you going to ask Lady Lilian for a dance?"

Just like that Felix shook his head.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me outside?"

Felix asked one last time.


Answered by Theodore.

"I'm going to watch till the very end."

There was a bitter yet genuine smile on his face when he said that, those eyes never once looking away from the Empress.

Giving Theodore one last look and nod, Felix went to the closest exit that leads to the garden. Unlike the bright and lovely banquet hall inside the palace, the garden was rather quiet, dark yet peaceful in times like this, with only the moon giving light into it's surroundings.

Somehow (Felix Robane)Where stories live. Discover now