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He could clearly tell by your walk and your shoulder that you were tense, the way your hand seems to slightly tremble as you casually had a talk with the Emperor as he stand right beside him.

He could clearly tell you're afraid, nevertheless you manage to stay still, talk calmly and elegantly as you were right from the start to the end. One could say you did a great job for not anyone could stand the presence of the emperor.

So as soon as he got his permission to leave, he started chasing after you outside, only to see your small back as you crunch down right outside the office of the emperor.

"Are you alright?"

He could not help but to ask, worried filled his voice and gray iris as he offer you a hand in which you took

And so you told him how you felt, how nervous and anxious you were talking to the emperor. And how it was all a fluke, that he wasn't as scary as you imagine him to be.

Which ends up to you sharing the rumors you've heard inside the convent, the place you've been staying for the last few years and almost half of your life right now.

He wonder what it feels like, making him remember how you often talk about the covenant back then when you were still together, causing him to feel something weird on his chest.

"Anyways, should I return to my chamber now?"

"You don't sound so sure about that"

He could not help but to chuckle at your tone for you don't sound so sure, it was cute

"Well since Elijah was the one who knows my schedule for the day, most of the time I relay on him"

You answer truthfully as you accepted his hand, making his frown inside

It was Elijah again, you would often ask about him, ask where he was, when he was coming back. It was weird, he felt weird at the same time feeling something nostalgic for some odd reason.

"You and your knight seems to be close"

He said, trying not to sound bitter

"Well you could say that"

You replied with a shrug, he doesn't even know why that makes him irritate even more

"He was assigned to me as soon as I entered the convent so I guess we've been close ever since"

"Ever since you entered? Then it's been a decade or two"

Felix replied, a hint of surprise on his voice as he did

"That long?"

You end up looking at him wide eyes

Yes, it's been so long. Thinking about it, it's been so long.

He too didn't really seem to think about it. After all he did almost forgot about you if it wasn't the temple sending you in here. But thinking about it and the odd feeling going on inside him.

It's been so long, so long ever since his heart ached so much for absolutely no reason. At least what he thought but let him be.

"Well it doesn't seem that long with me. I mean I rarely go outside, I barely see outside. Getting stuck in the convent was quite a bore but I guess I just end up getting used to it"

You replied recalling as you seems to think deeply

Everything was fine, he never really think about those moments you've spent inside the covenant, but now that you said you were with that certain holy knight all this time.

He never felt so frustrated and regrettable. He doesn't even know why he was feeling such thing in the first place. He was confused.

Yet if there was one thing clear, that would be he wish to be the one to stay by your side during those times instead of that stupid holy knight of yours that always seems to get on his nerves.

"It was long for me"

It was something that came out of his mouth in a whisper before he could even process

Even he seems taken a back by his own words as he stops.

"Hmmm? Did you say something Sire?"

Then you look at him, blinking those innocent (eye color) iris at him



What was that?

He tried to deny

Somehow (Felix Robane)Where stories live. Discover now