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Felix made up his mind, he need to find an answer to his feelings. And right now there is no other way to find the answer other than facing what he felt.

"Sir Robane?"

He was right in front of the tree in the imperial garden, something familiar and nostalgic to him for a very long time. Thinking about it now, maybe it was because this is were both of you used to spend your free time back then. It was something so obvious and comforting. How could he forget such thing?

"You came"

He gave Lilian a small smile

"Well you did ask for my presence"

She chuckle, silently making his was towards her

"Is there something you want to talk about?"

"Actually there is something I want to talk about"

It was now or never.

He thought, about to open his mouth when Lillian beat him into it

"Is it about us? And Priestess-nim?"

For a moment, he was speechless

Was it that obvious?

He questioned himself, but as if she read his mind, she let out a chuckle

"Honestly sire, no, it wasn't. If it wasn't the way you look at her I would have fooled myself"

"I like you"

That was the truth

"But you still felt something for Priestess-nim, sire"

That was also the truth

That is why he was confused, no knowing what to do.

"The reason why you called for me is to finally made up your mind right?"

He nod

He was supposed to be doing the talking, but here he is, getting all flustered and letting Lillian York do all the talking. Of course he felt bad, after all he did like her. But here he was going all and all confused ever since you showed up again, shaking all the remaining feelings buried deep in his heart.

"So? Do what you do to made up your mind Sire"

Lillian gave him a small smile

Both of them knew what was coming.

"Can I?"

He asked, looking at her in the eyes, never once looking away

With a nod of permission coming from the lady in waiting of the princess, his hand went into her cheeks, leaning down as their lips slowly met, having a slow and romantic kiss.

Just like that he made up his mind.

Pulling away from each other, opening his eyes wide revealing a pair of gray iris, he met with Lillian's sad smile.

"Have you made up your mind?"

He nod, heart beating widely in his chest at the realization he just made

"I'm sorry"

He could only watch Lillian close her eyes for a moment

"There is nothing for you to be sorry for"

"I though I don't love her anymore"

He admitted, biting his lips

All he could think as he kiss her was you, the way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you used to call his name, the way you used to be his and the other way around, the way you hold his hand. All he could was you and the pain he must have cost you the past few years.

"What can we do"

Lillian look away from him and stare at the huge tree in the middle of the garden

"They did say that the love that come back is the love that never left, the one that stayed waiting for chances to come"

Somehow (Felix Robane)Where stories live. Discover now