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You apologize for the fifth time as you step on his shoes, wanting to disappear due to embarrassment

Once again he only let out a chuckle, one hand resting firmly on your waist while the other was holding your hand carefully as your other hand was resting on his shoulder.

"I told you I don't mind, there is no need to apologize."

He spoke

Unable to meet his glaze, you kept your eyes on his chest, also uncomfortable by the stares of other people were giving you right now.

Still, you wonder. Glancing at him for a moment, you saw glaze was not on you but was currently behind you, almost makes you want to turn around in curiosity but stay still not giving into temptation.

"Your knight looks like he wanted to cut me in half"

He chuckle, but you could easily hear the coldness of his voice

"He seems overly protective of you, don't you think?"

"Well isn't that his job?"

You asked back while slightly shrugging

"Besides we've been alongside each other for a decade and a half, and also, he vow to protect me the moment he became my knight so I think it's quite normal, ain' that the same for you Sire Robane?"

You asked the red hair, at the same time he raise both of your hands as you twirl, then once again back in his arms, your back on his first as your hands across each side of you, gently swaying in the music

It was really a good thing when you're young you're made to practice dancing, so you could still follow the beat with any problem except stepping on his shoes from time to time.


You heard him mumble that make you took up into him, upon doing so, once again his glaze wasn't focus on you but to someone else.

Which was your knight leaning against one of the pillars of the ballroom, feeling his blue eyes on you as you have him a small smile and a look in which he nod and quickly went away towards the direction of the crown.

Once again he twirl you around, facing him once again you're quite shock to see him looking at you seriously unlike his care free attitude.

"Look only at me"

For a moment, you are stunned. But somehow, instead of making your heart beat fast, it only cause your head to ache.

"You shouldn't joke around Sire"

You spoke, calmly meeting those gray iris

"Others might misunderstand your words if they hear them"

You added, looking around when something caught your eyes


"It seems like Lady Lillian needs your presence right now"

You pointed out, looking at the Lady who seems to be in distress getting approach by mens.

That made him turn to look at her direction in which you observe carefully, the way worry seems to flicker on those gray iris as soon as he found her figure.

Also the end of the song, you finally let go of his hand, leaving a lingering warm feeling all through across your gloves in which you quickly brush off.

"Its a pleasure dancing with you Sire. But it's really rude to leave your partner unattended, noe if you'll excuse me"

You gave him a holy looking smile and slightly bow

And as his gray iris trembled as he look at you, all you did was to turn your back at him, unable to see the motions in his gray iris as his hands clench on his side before going on the opposite direction where you went.

Back to you, you find your way back to your knight's side whom already has your shawl ready to depart.

"So slow"

He click his tongue playfully and warp the while shawl around your figure


You spoke sarcastically rolling your (eye color) iris which cause him to chuckle

He then offer a hand, in which you took without second thought, as he guide you out of the banquet hall.

"You seem unbothered as much as I expected"

He laugh, giving a quick glance at the side of the ball into their direction

"Why should I be?"

You asked, meeting your knight golden iris

"I came prepared"

"Pffff looks like it haha"

"Don't laugh"

You could not help but to pinch his ear

At the distance, certain man with red hair and a pair of gray eyes stare at the couple's figure from afar.

"Sir Felix?"


That cause him to snap out of his thoughts, at the same time, enough to make him realize why his heart was pounding painfully on his chest seeing you in the arms of another.

Somehow (Felix Robane)Where stories live. Discover now