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Timeline is set after 'Always' Claude's story chapter 24

In side the spacious carriage was a woman keeping her head down, (hair color) locks tied behind her back in a low ponytail, her (eye color) iris just remain looking into her clasp hands that was resting on her lap as she kept her mind at peace

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In side the spacious carriage was a woman keeping her head down, (hair color) locks tied behind her back in a low ponytail, her (eye color) iris just remain looking into her clasp hands that was resting on her lap as she kept her mind at peace.

Due to the Temple not possessing a Saintess, the one close to becoming one, (First name)(Last name) was sent into the palace, a place she hasn't been ever since she set foot on the temple when she was eighteen years old.

It was all because of the sudden appearance of the lover of the emperor, Lady Diana who died giving birth fifteen years ago. The Temple wouldn't have believe that if there wasn't an oracle that showed up on the Temple.


"Ah yes?"

It was a soft and gentle voice, but anyone could tell that in her voice was there a slight nervousness in it

"We have arrived at the imperial palace"

"Imperial palace you say"

The Priestess could not help but to humm before meeting the glaze of her aide in front of her

The holy commander was supposed to be her aide through out her journey, but the said commander has been acting strange for the past few weeks that makes everyone worried about him. Being quite honest with yourself, you do felt like something had changed, you just can't point out what was it, nevertheless all all she could to was to kept on going.

"It have been a long time since I've come in here'

You spoke to yourself, yet it could be heard inside the carriage

"Then shall we get going?"

"Wait Priest--"

But it was too late for your aide to say his words as you went to open the door of the carriage at the same time you felt like you have kit something, or rather someone as you heard a low groan.


Was what came out of your mouth as you blink at the scene

You then heard someone sighing from behind,

"This is why I can't leave you behind Priestess-nim"

"My bad"

You spoke, placing your hand on your lips as you went out of your aide, Elijah

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