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"Thank you for today"

You spoke as you arrive in front of your room

"You're welcome, its my duty after all"

He spoke inn which you just stare at him as his eyes widen

By the look on his face, he seems like he said something he shouldn't have. So you just look at him, waiting for him to say something for it seems like someone was bothering him.


"Have a goodnight Sire"

You both spoke at the same time which cut him off that cause you to stare at each other for a good moment

"Saying something Sire?"

You ask, liting your head to the side, hands on your back as you kept staring at him and,

"Nothing, goodnight My Lady"

He said and then smile

So you took that as a clue to turn around and went inside your room, leaving the certain red hair knight out side the door, staring at it for a good couple of second before leaving, hands clench into a fist as he let out a sigh.

At the same time, you close the door behind you, letting out a deep sigh and turn to look at your aide that was missing for the past few days that cause you great distress.

"Where have you been Elijah"

"Back to the temple"

He spoke as you look at him tossing a grape and trying to catch it on his mouth

"Without even telling me? I'm hurt, I thought you are to stay by my side until death do us part"

"Ugh, you make it sound like you and I were married couple"

He cringes, making you grab the grape on his hand and plug a a few grapes before throwing it at him

"Hey! You're wasting food!"

"You just made fun of me!"

"Okay! Fine fine I'm sorry"

He plead, raising up his hand to shield his body from your silly punch

"But I guess you do have a point, just thinking about us being a married couple send a shiver down my spine"

You stated, sitting right beside him and actually pretend to shiver at the thought of your words

"See? Don't use my vow as your knight to make fun of me, you make it sound like we are married"

"Okay fine"

You roll your eyes at him before munching a grape

"Why did the Temple call you by the way?"

"Nothing much, just went to inform us to get back after three months"

"That long?"

You look at him, still chewing another grape

Somehow (Felix Robane)Where stories live. Discover now