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"Why are we so busy nowadays?"

You whine to your knight as he shrugs, dark circles under his eyes

You two have been busy nowadays or maybe weeks? you can't seem to remember how long have you been doing this on how often you're being called, you don't really know why, most of the time you would talk to the nobles, talking and interacting with the commoners is something you've been doing for so long it doesn't really mind nor exhaust you, but talking to the nobles and the emperor is a different thing that your way of consumption of exhaustion is pretty much at the peak now.

"I don't know, I kept on asking myself the same thing"

He sounds exhausted but so did you that cause both of you to let out a deep and exhausted sigh

"To think this is what Saintess-nim and Theodore used to do"

"Saintess-nim? We don't have a saintess for decades, what are you talking about?"

"Huh? When did I say that?"

You look at him with a frown

"What the hell are we even talking about in the first place?"

"I don't know"

You stated, slightly annoyed

"We should take a rest"

"I think we shoul-"

As you're about to finish your sentence, you trip into nothing like somehow you always do once in a while

Reflexively reaching for something to hold on to, you manage to get a hold of Elijah. Perhaps it's because if the fatigue and both of you need a rest, but as soon as you hold into Elijah, instead of helping you get back to your feet, he almost stumbles alongside you before quickly becoming alert, steadying his footing as he quickly pulls you towards him at the same time finding the wall to lean on into, twisting his body as he bumps into the wall, keeping you in his arms.

"Woah there"

He spoke and look down into you

Only to find you already dozing off in his arms.

It causes him to blink a few times, slightly confused for a moment as his brain took a moment to process what was happening. He then eventually let out a chuckle, lifting your feet off the ground as he carries you princess style. Once again he chuckles, thinking of how cute you are sleeping peacefully on his chest as he made his way into your room which is still on the west wing of the castle.

Adjusting you slightly in his arms, making sure not to wake you up, he could not help but stare at your sleeping face which was peaceful and beautiful. Shaking his head from daze, he then once again start to make his way into your room so that you could rest more comfortably. After knowing each other for years, both of you knew each other like the back of your hand. Both of you what each other like and dislike, that makes you comfortable and not.

Almost a perfect pair, but somehow manage to remain friends.

"Ahhhh I just want to sleep..."

Elijah quietly whines looking at the surrounding

After all, it was quite dark as the sun just set, the lights around the castle one by one turning on the lights up the way. Then he stops on his tracks upon seeing a certain red hair knight at the end of the hallway, leaning against the wall as he stares right back at him, unlike his usual friendly face, his glaze held no emotions to him at all.

Once again looking around, Elijah let out a "Tch" having no other way to tale tp reach towards your room other than walking past him, Elijah continue to walk, never once looking at the male as if pretending he doesn't exist in the first place just staring at him, more on into you who is currently peacefully sleeping in his arms exhausted.

"How is she?"

Elijah didn't bother to reply nor give him a glance, that was until his arms were almost yanked off from holding you that causes him to stop and look at the red hair knight holding his arm.

And Felix, upon realizing that Elijah was holding you, quickly retracted his hand.

In the end, Elijah ends up looking at him, giving him a look.

"How is she?"

"She's doing fine, thank you. If now you'll excuse us"

He slightly bows at him, at least paying some respect before he was about to continue to walk away


"Is there something you want to say Felix?"

Elijah asked, his golden orbs seem to be staring bored at him

There was a few moments of silence

"If you have nothing to say, please excuse us. (First name) is tired and she needs to rest properly"

Elijah spoke, remembering the look on Felix face as he said that


Elijah turn his back at him, at the same time you sniggle closer to him which somehow sends a tug on Elijah's lips

"I advise you to stay away from Priestess-nim, she has many things to think about and she has no time to think about you and your mixed signals. Within a month or two we would go back into the Vatican and there she would permanently stay"


"Ah? You don't know? Since the temple haven't had a Saintess for decades, it is only natural to hone her to become one, she is the closets one to become a Saintess after all"

"Wait... What?"

As Elijah walk away, he could hear the shock in Felix voice

"Anyways, as I said, leave her alone. You had your chance fifteen years ago"

Looking at your sleeping figure in his arms, Elijah could only let out a sigh.

"This is what you wanted right?"

There was no reply but as your hand that was holding his shirt held him closely in a fist, he knew the answer.

Somehow (Felix Robane)Where stories live. Discover now