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At the familiar voice, you could only shut your eyes. As you eventually let out a sigh as you turn around.


You greet your aide that is now back by your side

"You took so long, I really got engaged on another conversation before you came back"

You almost whine if you aren't in public

"My bad Priestess-nim"

He chuckle, handing you a glass of juice

"You can't drink alcohol"

"Excuse you, I have a high alcohol tolerance Elijah"

"Doesn't seem like it Priestess-nim"

You could only roll your eyes at him and took a sip of your juice

"Lady (First name)"

You almost choke on your juice yet manage to remain collected and took a quick gulp of it

"Sire Robane, pleasure to see you Sire"

You spoke, a holy looking smile on your face, juice glass no longer in hand as you handed it to Elijah, clasping your hand together like always

"Ah yes, it's a pleasure to see you again"

He spoke, maintaining a couple steps distance between the two of you, well, the three of you as Elijah stand by your side

You have no idea why would he approach you, observing your vision, you could see the nobles around you start to gossip.

After all it's not everyday you get to see the former engaged couple talking to each other after years of not meeting each other.

"Is there something you want to say to her Priestess-nim? Sire Robane?"

Elijah spoke, taking a step forward, somehow blocking you from Felix view

Why the hell is this punk acting like this?

You wonder, looking at his blue locks behind his back that is kept into a low and loose ponytail

"Actually I do have something to say to her, if you don't mind moving out of the way, Sire."

"And that is--"

"Elijah, enough. Let Sire Robane talk what he wants to talk about"

You interrupt, not liking the unwanted attention that' those nobles were giving you under their stupid glaze


You could only sigh to yourself at Elijah's act and once again put your attention on the red hair man right in front of you

"Pardon my aide, he was just doing his job"

"Since that's what you said"

He gave you a smile

You could only blink and look away for a moment before giving him back your attention.

"Ehem, so what would you like to tell Sire?"

"I would like to invite her Priestess-nim for a dance"

"I see, so that-.... Sire?"

Your eyes widen as his words sink in

"May I have this dance Lady (First name)?"

You could hear a few gasp around, you could also hear your aide almost drawing out his sword.

And looking at the man holding out his hand as he bow his head at you, you could only sigh.

"I can't dance Sire"

You stated

"I don't mind leading, (First name)"

He smile at you, his hand offering right in front of you kept still


You could only let out a sigh


You accepted his hand

"I hope you won't get mad at me stepping on your shoes, Sire"

He only let out a chuckle at your words,

"I don't mind, you can step on it as much as you like"

"You make it sound like I will do it on purpose"

"Tha-that's not what I meant"

He stated, cheeks flushing red as he guide you through the dance floor


You thought.

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