Twenty Five

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"When I first enter the convent, it was pretty hard. Missing him was probably one of the hardest thing I have to deal with everyday back then."

You spoke once you're done telling the story

"But it's all in the past as I said, with years and years in the temple was enough to made me forgot who I once was outside the temple."

Looking at the window where the castle was barely in view

"But I guess being out of the temple for the first-time since forever manage to bring back memories"

You chuckle, setting your (eye color) iris to your blue hair aide whom was facing the opposite way as you, looking back, to where you back is facing.

"And feelings"

He added causing you to laugh, blue iris fixed behind you

"You could say that, I mean what's the point of denying? What matters now is that"

Chuckling as you said those words, you end up having q sad smile as you lean back on your seat

"I'm letting go of everything now"

You said

"I'm just glad I get to see him again for the last time before I fully surrender my whole dedication to our Goddess"

You added, looking out of the window with a look of satisfaction with a little bit of regret and sadness

In a few months to come, the cardinals where to decide if you're to become the Saintess they've been trying to make you for a very long time now being one of the selected one to possess divine powers. Nevertheless even if you're to be the one selected, it would be up to you wanted to become one.

"Was that really the case?"

For a moment, you look at your aide confuse

He was emotionless, except for his blue eyes that seems to go wide as he continue to stare at you, or was it pass you?

"I beg your pardon?"

"Turn around"

He spoke

You almost. Almost did turn around. But then you yourself from the last moment.

You're tired of hoping.

"You almost got me Elijah"

You let out a forced chuckle

You're not looking back, never again. You're not hoping again, not again.

"No seriously Priestess-nim, look back"

He urge you, never once looking into you but behind you

"I told you, I will not"

You roll your (eye color) iris at him who now seems to be in shock, crossing your arms on your chest

Somehow (Felix Robane)Where stories live. Discover now