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"An envoy from the temple could be coming and would be staying for the next couple of months"

"Was it because of Lady Diana's miraculous come back Your Majesty?"

"Yes, also I'll be putting you into keeping an eye on them"

Claude spoke, keeping his eyes on the papers right in front of him

Standing across him keeping still with his hands on his back was Felix, his right-hand man that was suddenly called by the emperor. He thought that it would be nothing serious but now that the Temple and Vatican is involved, this should be a serious matter.

"What about the Princess Your Majesty?"

"She's with Diana right now, Lucas also has his eyes on her so there should be nothing to worry about. I'll leave the temple on your watch"

Finally, Claude meets his glaze before extending his arms, holding out a piece of paper that probably has all the information in regard to the upcoming envoys from the church.

And he was right, but as his gray eyes slowly read the content of the paper, there was a name that makes him froze, gray iris once again re-reading the name that was indicated on the paper.

High Priestess (First name)(Last name)

Is the firstborn of Count (Last name) that entered the convent at the age of eighteen, ever since setting foot on the convent she has lay low from the noble and aristocrat world and nobody hears about her.

Comes out of the convent once in a while for charity works and pilgrimage but would immediately come back to the convent afterward.

So far she is the closest to becoming the Saintess upon possessing divine magic but is still under observation from the Vatican upon possessing such a clumsy nature that is unfitted for a Saintess to have.


His gray iris tremble

"She is your former fiance am I right?"

"...Yes Your Majesty"

He gulps, looking up from the paper to meet the glaze of his emperor

"Then I have nothing more to say, you can go"

Slightly absent minded, Felix was quick to leave the room paper still in hand after excusing himself from the emperor.

Handing outside the door unmoving as soon as he close it behind him.

Its been so long.

The could not help but to thought looking at the familiar name on the paper on his hand.

"(First name)(Last name)"

It was the name he haven't said for years to the point of being forgotten

It's been so long,

Really it's been so long it barely came on his mind.

But a flash of a lady with (hair color) locks sitting right beside the window reading a book suddenly came in mind causing his hand to twitch.


Suddenly he snapped out of his thoughts,

His fast beating heart finally calming down not knowing why it was beating fast in the first place as he turn to look at his side where Lady Lillian York was standing, looking at him with slightly confusion yet concerned look on her face.

"Are you alright? I've been calling you for awhile now but you seem preoccupied"

She spoke softly at him

"I'm alright"

He spoke, a smile making its way on his face

"Is there something you want to ask me?"

He asked

"Ah, I was just wondering where the Princess might be?"

"She's with Lady Diana in the garden at the moment"

"I see, thank you very much Sir Felix"

She smiled at him, and for a moment, a blurry figure overlaps with Lillian York smiling face that cause him to blink

"Your welcome, uhm. Actually I was just planning on going in there, mind if I come along and lead the way?"

He ask, somehow a blush creeping up to his neck in embarrassment in which Lillian York seems to notice but doesn't mind

So with a smile on her face, she answered.


Leading the way, Felix decided to brush off the feelings on his chest.

It's probably nothing,

He thought.

Somehow (Felix Robane)Where stories live. Discover now