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"This is tiring"

You almost cried as you manage to escape along side your knight on the nobles trying to talk to you

"Bear with it for one night Priestess-nim"

Elijah said, chuckling right beside you, but thee said knight too seems exhausted after dealing with nobles quite long

"This is all your fault for agreeing going to the banquet to begin with"

You said a sigh looking around the banquet hall

Thinking about it, you wonder how long has it been ever since you attend such party before, but your mind seems to be in no condition for you to think about things, after all your head is hurting just by looking at those sassy nobles wanting to do something that might make them more closer to the church now that a few miracles have been proven and given in the past few years.

It was terrible and tiring, seeing how rotten some of them were just by one look, but made you head pound and just wanted to get out of this hall but you can't. You had your matter to deal with as the current representative of the church, you have to make a deal with the empire same goes to the other nobles to strengthen the power of the temple, after all most of the believers of the Temple came from the empire and the kingdoms around the Vatican where the main temple is.


You both sigh as you both lean on each other

"I want to drink"

"You're not allowed to drink Saintess-nim"

"Even a glass of juice nor water? How am I supposed to live being unable to drink?"

"Wait until this even is over, I don't want you to cause some trou--"

He stop mid sentence as you both look at each other, a grin made its way both on your lips as you give him a meaningful look and he too gave you one in exchange as you both gave each other a nod.

"Then I shall fetch you one Priestess-nim, juice is the one you wanted right? I'll fetch you one right away"

"Yes, bring one as soon as possible, my throat is kind of dry"

You spoke, and your knight a.k.a partner in crime went to fetch you the thing that might able to make both of you excuse yourself from this noisy hall

"Lady (Last name), It's been awhile hasn't it?"
Turning around, you saw a woman at your own age as it seems, she seems awfully familiar but you can't remember when or where

"Well I guess one and a half decade isn't awhile"

"Indeed it wasn't"

You agree with her

"And it's Priestess, My Lady, not Lady (Last name)"

You smile at the female

"I suppose that's what they call you now, but that doesn't change the fact that you're origin was being one of the Duke of (Last name) daughter"

She spoke, opening her fan and went to cover half of your face as you remain in standing still, hand timidly resting in front of you as you kept your divine posture, one you're taught since you set a foot at the temple

"I believe the moment I set a foot inside the temple I would no longer consider myself part of such family and devoted my life in the name of our Goddess"

"You're indeed worthy of being call the High Priestess, Lady (First name)"

"That is Priestess-nim for you, My Lady"

You gave her a holy looking smile

"Really devoted huh? Is that why you doesn't seem to mind Sire Robane with Lady Lily?"

She asked, looking towards a specific side of the hall in which you too followed

"To whom he want to be with has nothing to do with me, our engagement has been canceled a very long time ago"

You replied, eyes never leaving the certain pair on the side of the hall

What a pair they are.

You thought, looking at the certain red hair knight casually standing close to a certain Lady you often see around the Princess and Lady Diana.

Suddenly, your (eye color) iris meet with a pair of gray ones across the ball. And with a sudden gulp, you look away, unable to meet his glaze for a very long time.

You don't want to admit but the way you avoided his glaze made you realize. It hurts, somehow it hurts. It hurts to see such a thing, specially when its him.

So you took a deep breath, trying to calm your aching heart as you too press your hand on your chest.


You turn to your side, (eye color) iris met a pair of mesmerizing purple ones

"Careful not to make the same mistake as my child"

She said smiling at you which somehow send a shiver down your spine

Before you could reply, her back was already facing you as she slowly vanish from your sight as she blend in the crowed.

"Same mistake huh"

You wonder what was that

But somehow it made you realize one thing. That you have waited too long. Maybe because you're not expecting anything, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

Strange as it sound, it hurts. So this time, this time maybe, just maybe. You should just gi-


At the familiar voice, you could only shut your eyes.

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