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It's been years.

It's been years ever since he last saw her. Almost two decades to be exact.

Looking at the carriage yet to arrive in front of them, he could already see her by distance. Yet she was looking down inside the carriage up until they reach right in front of them.

Yet with his mind back in his work, he sign one of his man to open the carriage door, yet as his man was about to do the job, the carriage door suddenly opened, causing his gray eyes to widen as his mans face meet up with the carriage door sending him to the ground.

Just like that everyone halted on their position.


It was a familiar nostalgic voice he haven't heard for so long, it sends shiver down his spine.

The voice was just soft and delicate as it was before.

"This is why I can't leave you behind Priestess-nim"

"My bad"

Then he caught a glimpse of her face.

How her (eye color) iris seems brighter than ever, how long her (hair color) locks have grown into her back and how it was let loose.

She was more beautiful and delicate looking than before.

"I'd like to apologize in behave of our Priestess-nim, she was rather clumsy when she's left alone."

Strange enough, even after your aide has everyone attention, he kept his focus on you, looking at you from the distance inside the carriage.

He was at daze.

It was until then she came out of the carriage that he manage to snap out of his thoughts, his eyes widening as he reflexively catch her losing her footing stepping down the carriage.

"Woah there Priestess-?"

He have been looking at her for almost a while now, but the moment he felt her close to him and in his arms as their eyes met



He watch as your eyes widen, hands on his shoulder gently pushing him away that somehow send an ache in his heart


It's been so long since the two of you meet, he wonder how he was feeling this way

"It's been awhile hasn't it?"

You spoke at him in which he could easily say was to ease the atmosphere between the two of you

Looking at those (Eye color) iris, he could only gulp, adverting his eyes away from those beautiful iris


It took him a moment to reply

"Indeed it has been awhile"

He added, looking back at you once again

Only to see you looking at your aide whom was now by your side and is looking at him with somehow a glare that is obviously only visible to him for that may look like a normal stare in the eyes of others.

"Ehem. Let's all get going shall we? We still need to greet the Emperor"

Elijah, the man who introduced himself earlier spoke, still looking at him directly in the eyes

But with his words, they then proceed to head towards the throne room where the emperor should be waiting for their arrival. As said Felix is the one who was guiding the two on the way, and he did not miss how there was a smug smirk on your aide face as he went to escort you behind.

But not even a few minutes after you start to make your way towards the room where the emperor is, he quickly turn around after feeling a falling presence behind him. Once again, for the second time that day, he catch you in his arms.

"Still clumsy as ever I see"

He almost chuckle at your shocked face as he help you up once again, sending a smug smirk towards your aide whom only ignore him

Damn, I don't like him.

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