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His memories with you were something he could barely remember, at the same time those memories were also something that could easily be dug up.

Maybe because as he thought he forgot about it, but in reality it was something that never left, it was something that was always been buried deep down on the back of his mind that was soon to be forgotten but was now back in the surface ready to remember.

So walking down the unfamiliar yet nostalgic aisle of the imperial library as he look around to find you somewhere deep inside the library.

He only went outside to talk to the emperor, asking permission to leave the palace for you seem bored nowadays all you ever did was to meet up with the nobles, eat, then go back to your room to rest.

Yet the more he went deep inside the library, the more it felt nostalgic, as if it was leading him into somewhere, somewhere he has been before, somewhere were you're at.

And there he froze, looking at your somehow daze figure causing him to follow into the direction you were looking.

And were you're looking at was a simple coffee table for two, illuminated by the sunlight. It was a nice spot to relax.


His gray iris widen

That spot

Looking at that spot, memories came rushing back at him like it just happened yesterday, clear and complete.

Felix was bored

He really was bored that he end up wondering inside the imperial palace for the second prince was busy playing around with the saintess at the moment in which he can't seem to bother

And so here he was lost in the aisle of the imperial library, looking around at every section once in awhile yet found thing that spark his interest.

Or at least what he thought at first until he saw a silhouette around the corner causing him to felt alertness and curiosity, following the little shadow around the corner.

And there he saw a lady, probably around his age in a simple yet elegant dress, her (hair color) locks simply tied into pony tail with a ribbon that matches her dress.

She was around the religion section tip toeing to reach out a book, causing him to watch from the distance, gray iris filled with nothing but curiosity.

So for a good couple of moments with her back turned at him, he watch her struggle. Watching every bit of her move as he find her already interesting as she reach out for a certain book, it was the one of the copy of the book of about the goddess.


For a moment, he almost stumble forward, losing his leaning against one of the shelf inside the library as he saw her face

He have never seen her before

but she was the most beautiful woman he have ever seen right now

The way her beautiful (eye color) iris lit up as she finally manage to get a hold of the book, the way her lips curl up into a small yet genuine smile as she looks at the book she manage to get a hold off, the way she brush back her lost strand of (hair color) locks behind her before once again turning her back at him

She look so pure and innocent, something he could never reach out for. Yet for the first time in his life, other than honor, he long for something, he desire something.

So following her across the library, he watch her sat down on the lonely yet peaceful seat in the corner of the library. Standing there admiring her for a couple of minutes, he took a deep breath before he finally approach her

"Mind if I sit across you.. My Lady?"

"(First name)?"

He spoke mindlessly as he stare at her back

And upon realizing what he just did, his feet were moving on its own as he walk away quickly, his heart beating wildly on his chest cheeks flushed.

Somehow realizing that the feelings he thought were once gone a very long time ago starts to emerge once again.

Somehow (Felix Robane)Where stories live. Discover now