Twenty Two

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As the carriage move in a steady phase, not slow but not fast too, just a normal phase that would make the two person inside arrive at their destination by a day or two.

Speaking of the two person inside, (First name) was just staring at the window where the imperial castle could be seen, although it wasn't even that long ever since they left that palace, she seems out of the world as she stare at it, making Elijah clear his throat to catch your attention.

"Were you saying something?"

You asked, looking away from the view to look at your aide how seems to be in discomfort

"Aren't you gonna look back?"

He said with a sudden smirk making you roll your eyes at him

Look back? At this time? Never.

You thought before questioning him again

"Are you sure don't want to say something?"

"Ah no, but I'm curious about something"

He asked, now rather nervous as he can't seem to meet your glaze

"What is it? You look like you want to get of the carriage right now haha"

"Maybe that is how I felt right now"

He mumble

"So what do you want to ask?"

"As much as I don't want to talk about it.. I'm really curious about your relationship with Felix"


You look at him with a cold look that was enough to made him stiff

He gulp, eventually looking away from your icy glaze.

He did know about your relationship with the Crimson Knight for he too was once a citizen of the empire before he went into the temple where he found the rest of his life being assigned to serve you. Your relationship with the knight was no secret among the public by those times. It was something that almost everyone from your generation knew, not that the two of you were very public about it but because once in awhile, the two of you would be walking hand in hand in the public where the two of you seems to be having dates.

He entered the temple a few years before you do so he was quite surprise to see you in there too two tears after he entered. And the only thing he could ask himself is that, what are you doing in there, as far as he knew you're engage with the one and only Felix Robane of the empire. So what are you doing in a place where you can never go back to your way of living, isolated and dedicated to the one and only goddess.

Then he heard you sigh. It was sign of defeat coming form you.

"First of all, that is Sir Robane for you. Second, what I had with Sire Robane is all in the past"

"That's actually what I'm curious about if you don't mind"

He asked as you reply, looking out the window

"You were so in love at each other back then"

Hearing his words, there seem to be an ache on your heart that cause you to flinch

"So it was really a shock for me when I saw you serving as a priestess in the temple in the spring where you two were supposed to get married."

Elijah stated

Seeing a flash of hurt and bitterness on your face for a moment was enough for him to regret what he just mentioned. One of the reasons why he never shown good will to that said crimson knight was never because he doesn't have any respect in him, in fact he was quite a fan of him back in the days, but whenever he saw you somehow looking lonely and hurt looking at the certain knight direction, he could not help but to think maybe, maybe something really did happen between the two of you.

"We were.. Yeah, we were supposed to get married that spring"

You humm, the bitterness and hurtful expression can no longer be seen on your face

"But you see Elijah, honest feelings and bad timing make the most painful combination"

"What do you mean bad timing?"

"have you forgotten what happened that spring? oh wait, you're inside the temple by that time, well you see.."

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