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The encounter with the Winter Soldier was nervewrecking, but they managed. They currently are at a warehouse, miles away from the highway and away from HYDRA.

They were saved by Maria Hill, a stone cold woman with even colder eyes.

"Nat needs medical attention." Sam orders, since Steve doesn't want to be the rational one right now.

"She'll want to see him first." Hill declares, and marches off, only for Nicolas Fury to walk out of the same hallway she just dissapeared through.

Sam just dumbly stares. He is way too tired to think of how Fury survived all of that shit, and just closes his eyes, swaying from side to side. His sides are still aching, and his knees feel wounded, but he knows that can't be. He hasn't even really fought on the bridge, just delivered some kicks and hits.

But, then, it clocks into place.


His soulmate, the poorest soul in the universe, it seems. The poor thing can't catch a break.

The moment Sam finally finds them, he'll tug a warm, fluffy blanket around them and hold them forever, shielding them from the nightmare called reality.

He once again imagines their looks and as always he can't think of something, really. It'd be easier to at least know the gender. Sam believes he is gay, but sometimes, your soulmate is the other gender that you are attracted to. He thinks, mostly, of men. Today, he imagines a short buzzcut, black hair and a cute nose. Or maybe they are bald, porcelain white skin and a smile to die for. As always, he can't imagine them.

But, today, all he can think about is steely, blue eyes, the shade so light, they almost look grey. The colour is so intense, Sam can almost taste it, smell it even-


What if his soulmate was involved in the fight? They are hurt ever since the fight.

What if his soulmate is part of HYDR-


Never would he be paired with one of those monsters.

Fury, Steve and Natasha are still talking, while Sam's thoughts drift off anywhere else than here. He can't stop his thoughts running a mile a minute in his head, the ringing in his ear is loud and distracting him.

But then, he feels it.

The anxiety, the dizziness, the fear.

He flees down the hall and ends up in an empty room, somewhere at the end of the corridor. He holds his breath and hopes, prays, pleads for them not to do it, but to no avail.

As always, he feels the tight grip on his arms and he looks down onto his watch and lets the minutes and seconds start.

His ribs burn unpleasantly, his lips thin out in a desperate attempt as to not let out those loud, toecurling sobs he wanted to scream out. His body explodes in pain as he feels something hit his spine, knowing fully well no one is behind him but his own shadow and tears spring to his eyes. The electricity running through their body hit Sam so violently, he has to hold out his hands to not fall over. The pain, as always intensifies after three minutes and twenty six seconds, and Sam cries out. It just hurts too much

Yet, nothing hurts more than the one thought circling in his mind like a broken record.

They are doing it again. They are hurting my soulmate.

He closes his eyes again, and scoots down the walls to hug his knees to his chest. His shoulders shake, his head feels heavy and he wants so badly to finally hold them.

To protect them, so nothing can ever touch them again.
He is so fucking sorry they have to go through that, but he can't do shit right now. He can only sit there, imagine putting a bullet in all of the people's heads that dare hurt them, and weep into his knees.

Sam jerks into a standing position, only to curl up again since seven minutes aren't over just yet, when he hears the door creak open.

Steve stands there, blue eyes guarded and widened in sympathy and Sam wants to sob again.

He doesn't need pity. What he needs is his soulmate safe and sound, preferably next to him, even more preferably in his arms, weeping alongside him in their shared pain.

He can't have that, though.

"Your soulmate?" Comes Steve's voice out of the open door frame and Sam cries, finally letting the tears drip down faster, like a faucet. Once he's started, he can't seem to stop, answering Steve's question silently.

Steve approaches him with steady steps only a soldier could walk in this situation and Sam wants to hug him. So, he does.

Throws himself against Steve's solid body, crumbles like a piece of paper. If Steve isn't a supersoldier with abnormal abilities, they will crash to the floor in a heap of limbs. But, he is and both men stand upright.

"It's not fair!" Sam sobs, and Steve hugs him tighter. "They don't deserve this..." He weeps, a little more quiet than before and Steve stays silent for a while.

"Do you know them...?" Steve asks, hesitant, and Sam cries harder.

"I wish I did. All I want is to protect them." He cries, but Steve doesn't seem to mind his shirt getting all wet with his tears.

"You'll find them, Sam...
You'll find them and rescue them."

"You don't know tha-"

"Don't, Sam. Don't go there. If you loose hope of finding them, then they'll be lost forever." Steve says, using his authority voice, the one he uses on all those high school tapes.

When Sam looks up, he stares into Steve's frozen eyes, and realizes this man knows nothing. Steve has been defrozen right after Natasha left the red room, she told us about it, so he hasn't felt her pain back then.

Sam is all alone in his misery.

So, when everyone is already fast asleep, he grips his little knife, and traces those words, the letters again. 'Where' decorates his inner thigh once again.

He receives no answer to that question.

A/N: pls leave some comments, Idk if y'all like it or nah😭😭😭😭😭

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