Don't Hold Back

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( trigger warning chapter contains uncomfortable sexual scenes and conversation ) 

Langtons POV

The days spent on the boat became something of a fantasy for us .Knowing that when we reached each destination we'd be met with a different obstacle. That not only our lives were on the line but the life of our people. It was beautiful to see Margarette , Janis and Claree rekindle there sisterhood . It took Claree awhile to warm up to Margarette but there bond couldn't be denied . Francis and I created a special bond of our own with Henry taking him under our wing . Francis had been teaching him to steer and how to read the stars even Carter teaching him to fight . Henry rarely left my side any moment we had alone he took to confide in me . He knew I understood him that we came from the same place . We shared common stories of working in the pubs .He told me about of his pub owner would barley feed him and he would try and steal scraps of other peoples meals. When he shared that at night he would barricade his door to protect him from the drunk men my heart broke . I remember nights like those but I wasn't so lucky remembering those night the pub owner would force me to please him . At night I made it apart of my routine to check on him I remember the night terrors I had for a while after Francis saved me.

I want to thank you for embracing my Henry as you have . being with you and the king brings him so much joy .He has never had a father and his birth father will never love him . It seems as if God has sent him two fathers to make up for his terrible one. I pray that he is not a burden unto you . (Claree)

He is nothing of the sort he is a joy and Francis adores him . At only 16 years old he's been through so much. His healing won't be easy but I swear to you that we will protect him with our lives .

I trust you both with him ....Ive been told this land that you are from is a land of peace for us too be safe and together . (Claree)

We are all refugees Claree and God anointed Francis to be the king and protector of those who have no protection . He rescued me and changed my life and now I stand with him to change yours and so many others . With your help we can protect the peace we have created.

I owe you both my life and the life my sons life . We have been trying to find a way to cast the protection spell without tethering a life . Geillis was always innovative and came up with the craziest ideas . Rescuing her won't be easy but she will help us . (Claree)

After what it took to rescue you I think we are ready for anything . we laughed as we watched Francis aiding Henry in steering the ship .

I look forward to training him his magic will be coming in soon (Claree )

He will have powers ?

Yes usually the gift of magic is passed down from the mother if im lucky he will have my gift . (Claree)

Excuse me I have to speak to the king . I walk up to Francis and pull him into our chambers taking charge shocking him and myself . Your mother was a witch right ?

More of a healer but yes why do you ask ?(F)

You have powers and you didn't tell me .How did I not know I mean do you even know ?

My love relax im sorry that I didn't tell you but there are things about me that I fear might repulse you . My mother didn't live long enough to fully train me on my powers . It isn't a gift like yours .(F)

Francis there is nothing about you that could repulse me you are mine the good the bad and what you think is ugly . I beg of you please tell me it could help us all .

My mother was a healer and apart off her healing other was to take on there pain and expel it . I can implement pain on other without even touching them and amplify already existing pain . I don't use to because I didn't want the brotherhood to fear me but respect me .Along with when you weird that much power it can bring out a darkness in you . I caused people enough pain with out using my powers .I wish to be like my mother heal and protect not hurt . (F)

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