Emotions and thoughts

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Francis Pins the boy down to the bed
Kissing him deeply.

Roll over and put your ass up

The boy does as he is told not expecting Francis to put his tongue in his ass . Francis teasing Langton with his tongue licking and bitting . Langton grabs the bed in passion and ecstasy.

Do i make you feel good

Yes Francis yes uugghhhh

Francis slaps Langtons ass leaving his print on it . Making Langton scream .

Francis then starts finger fucking Langton . Langton moans takeover the room . He leans into his touch overtaken by pleasure.

What do you want boy ?

Do it sir please

Do what ?

Fuck me sir fuck me hard

Francis slams into Langton Francis grabs his hips and pushes his head down . He finds his rhythm fucking Langton hard .

Do you love me truly do you ?

Yes Francis i love you uugghh I'm cumin

Francis and Langton cum and they lay on the bed . Francis goes to take his member out and Langton stops him .

I want to feel you inside me

You naughty boy

You hit me did i do something wrong ?

No it was more of a love Tap when your being punished your ass will be as red as an apple .

I hope that never has to happen

Just be a good boy and it won't

I told you i loved you now do you love  me .

Your heart is connected to mine of course i love you .

What if it wasn't would you still

Yes as long as your faithful to me and you take my member like you do

You must train now Jefferson is waiting on you . Tonight after dinner i want you washed and naked laying on this bed you understand .

Yes captain

Langton put in his cloths and goes up to deck  Jefferson throws a sword at him .

Lesson number one always be alert you never know what going to happen . Always keep your guard up in a fight there only trying to kill you . Striking him as he explains Langton tries to block each . Go for the head, the neck, back of the legs , the stomach and most importantly the heart .  These are also the areas to protect .

How do i protect my legs ?

Move them and pay attention

Jefferson swipes at Langtons legs and he jumps barley missing the blade . Langton strikes at Jefferson as they begin to fight . Jefferson in his experience give Langton a fight . Langton thinks of Francis and fighting carter for hurting him . He starts to fight harder giving Jefferson a fare fight . With a swift motion Jefferson nocks the sword out of Langtons hand .

Never fight with emotion emotion fades skill remains.

But shouldn't i use emotion as fuel .

There is a difference between the reason you fight and fighting cause of emotion.

Carter will fight you with anger you can only beat him if you not only have a goal but out  skill him .

Why does he want to fight me ?

You know as much as i do but that's besides the point . Keep yourself light on your feet and aware of your surroundings. It's time we had some super can't be light on your feet with an empty stomach .

Langton and Jefferson go bellow deck . The chef serves a stew with potatoes,carrots and beef . Jefferson takes langtons bread out off his bowl  .

Your a growing boy you don't need all that bread what you need are these carrots good for your eyes .

Spooning all of his carrots into langtons bowl .

But what about your eyes don't we both need good eyes .

My eyes are long gone they aren't getting any better .

How will you fight with bad eyes ?

When you focus you can sense anybody around you . I could fight and win with my eyes shut .

That's amazing! when will i be able to do that ?

In due time young lad in due time now eat I'm sure the captain will be needing you soon .

Langton ate watching the men sing songs and tell stories of time at sea . As entertaining as it was Langton couldn't stop thinking about Carter . Thinking how did he end up here two days ago he was a bar boy now he's the property of a pirate king with a arch nemesis he's never met . Then like a ghosts he heard Francis voice .

Stop all your questioning and thinking I'm always gonna protect you you are my heart now . If you love me the way you say then be calm and trust me.

With this message Langton smiles finishing his food he goes the wash up . Washing in the tub getting excited to know what was to come . He got out the tub dripping wet and toweled off . Going to the capital chambers and laid on the bed as fan is told him .

I see you know how to follow instructions keep this up you will never know the pain of a spanked ass .

I hope to never know that pain sir only the pleasure you give me .

Speaking of pleasure you have had more than enough tonight you will lay in my arms and nothing more .

Uuuggghhhh um yes sir

Disappointed i won't fuck You every night

Yes sir i understand

Undress me so we can sleep

Langton undresses Francis and once removing his pants he instantly got aroused .

Don't get to happy it's time for bed

Francis pulled Langton in close and Francis kisses Langton .

Sleep now no thinking understand

Yes sir

He closes his eyes melting into his embrace

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