Make it right ,Make it work

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Francis got up early Langton still sound asleep from there night together . He got dressed and went to find prince Giovanni. I knew the prince was an early riser cause he liked to watch the sunset . He found him at that same spot in the garden . Francis was determined to help Giovanni heal he would no longer be the cause of so many people's pain .

Morning Captain Francis hope you slept well (Prince Giovanni)

I actually had a hard time sleeping still been thinking about what you said . I want to formally apologize to you for the hurt i caused you . If i could take the pain away i would . I've made many mistakes concerning the affairs of the heart. I've been the reason for a lot of heartbreak and that ends with you . I can't offer you my body but i offer you my loyally and my friendship . I pray that you can receive that for i do care about you .

All i ever wanted was for you to see me . Not just as the young boy who looked at you as a god but as me . Not as a prince but as Giovanni . (prince Giovanni)

Francis grabbed the back of his head making his look at him in his eyes .

Giovanni i see you , until i take my dying breath you will forever have my friendship .

It is better to be ones friend than ones enemy. Thank you for finally seeing me maybe now i can move on . (Giovanni)

Speaking of which, why are you marrying lady Maria when i can see that you don't love her . You deserve love Giovanni!

My chance at love has passed me by it is time for duty. My duty to my country and my people . Maria and i both understand that and have agreed to this marriage for our country . (Giovanni)

Have you thought of taking a lover ? As king it wouldn't be uncommon.

With the Pope breathing down my back it would be nearly impossible. Plus a man has not caught my eye in such way since you . (Prince Giovanni)

With you as the crown prince and air to the thrown you have the power . The church is riddled with secrets . If any trouble should arise concerning a lover you take . I'll handle it myself i have history with some of those bishops. What about my subject Johnny ? Did you not take him to your chambers ?

Alas he burns for another ... it was nice though to have the company of a man in my bed . ( Prince Giovanni)

Well it sounds to me that we need to have another Ball to find you a lover .

I cannot take a lover and have lady Mary alone . She had given up love just as i have . It's accepted for me to have a lover but not a Queen . If her lover is discovered it's more dangerous than mine . (prince Giovanni)

What i am about to say you cannot tell a soul . I can arrange for you to have secret passage ways made for your chambers and lady Maria . They have them in France as secret escape routes . You can both use them as ways to sneak in your lovers . No one will know both you and i can send for an ambassador to come and make sure your both protected .

All of this stemming from your guilt . What are you to gain from all of this ? (Prince Giovanni)

The happiness of my friend that's all i desire

I guess we are having another ball, i must tell Lady Maria that maybe we may experience love after all (Prince Giovanni)

Francis was relieved that he had gained his friendship . Also that he didn't desire Johnny i knew that Carter would be very pleased with that .
Francis went back to his chambers to see everyone conversing and eating a relief over everyone .

It seems as if our journey has not been in vain. Tonight we will find the prince a lover.  and we will Spain's support . (Francis )

We also have the help of the grand white witch she has agreed to come with us . (Langton )

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