The feast

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I woke up early the next morning so i could watch the sunrise. When i worked at the pub the morning was the most peaceful time. Jack the pub owner was always very harsh . From sun up to sun down he put me to work . So i would wake up before then sunrise . I knew that he would still be in a drunk stupeur from the night before . I was mocked out of my trance my a nock on the door .

Your majesty i mean Langton are you awake ?

Yes come in George

Langton are you alright ? You seem somber

Im alright i want to plan a banquet for the King's return . I want it to be different i want it outside . I want the entire kingdom to be apart of the celebration.

Are you sure that's wise Langton ? These are tough times we don't know who we can trust .

The king has the love of this entire kingdom no one would dare warn him . I will take yurt advice though . Make sure we are surrounded by our most trusted guards . In repayment for there service we will make sure there families are well fed .

Yes Langton you will have to make a formal announcement .

Announcement? To the entire kingdom ?

Yes you are the beloved of the king

His mistress ?

No your majesty you are exactly what he called you his heart in human form .

Janis good morning

Good morning your majesty . Please excuse my entrance George left the door open . I brought you your breakfast some fresh bread and fruit. Would you like any eggs they should be collecting them now ?

No thank you so much Janis can you close the door there is something i have to speak to you both about .

Of course your majesty anything

Janis ,George i need people i can trust . I'm new here the people don't know me i must win the hearts of the people . With Carter out there things are very tense i must keep my eyes open and my ears on the ground .

Anything that i can do your majesty I'm a loyal servant to you and the king . I don't know if i can say the same for George .

Langton you spared my life and my families . I am forever in your debt and will serve you till the day i die .

That's exactly what i need now listen closely. Janis you know about the art of magic and have the gift of seeing people . You will stand and walk with me at all times i need you to see what i can't .

Your majesty if anyone found out i was a white witch i would be burned at the state.

As long as there is breath on my body you will not be harmed .

Thank you your majesty i will do everything in my power to serve you .

George i need you to become friends with each first mate of all the pirates . Though these men seem faithful to Francis i always yo make sure there loyalty stays true .

Langton your speaking like a true leader .

I'm not trying to be a leader I'm trying to protect my love and protect his life and his kingdom .

Janis you can call me Langton

I'll have to get used to that your majesty

I got dressed in leaver pants with gold buttons . A white cotton shirt and a vest to make it more formal .

Your majesty the king is going to love seeing you in this .

It's time Langton the people are outside the balcony.

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