We can have it all

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( Back in Spain from Giovannis POV)

As a prince everyone thinks you live the perfect life .That you get everything you could ever ask for and want for nothing .In all reality Ive never gotten anything I really wanted .From the day I was born I was raised and trained to be the next king of Spain. It was never about what I wanted it was always about what was best for the kingdom and our lineage . My sister was lucky enough that she fell in love with the mach my father picked for her . My brother being born last wouldn't have to deal with these issues. Though he is betrothed my father allows him to live from his heart as his wife says. Ive never gotten or done anything that truly makes me happy .My father thinks im a slave to my emotions and that makes me a king week . When I look at this man in my bed I don't feel week I feel stronger than ever . I feel alive for the first time since that day I laid eyes on Francis . I thought if I couldn't have him I would never be happy . Now I have Laurence and he wants me and wants to know who I am .He doesn't care about my title or money he just wants me .

If you are awake this early I must not have done my job right last night (L)

Oh you more than did your job my legs won't stop shaking

I have to go.... I must do my morning chores (L)

Ohhhh do you have to ? stay little while longer I don't want this moment to end .

This moment is going to end we are going to have moments like this and better if that what you desire . Trust me when I say id rather stay in this bed and make love to you all day but I have work . (L)

I guess you are right plus we don't want to raise any suspicions

(a Knock at the door )

Your majesty its Johnny I came to make sure everything was ok and to esccort Laurence .(J)

You may enter ...Thank you Johnny please see to it he makes it to the stables without anyone seeing him .

Ive already mapped out a route and have a team guarding the surrounding area (J)

Thank you for your attention to detail Johnny ....Hurry back to me ill try and sneak away to see you

Laurence pulls Giovanni into a passionate ravenous kiss .Johnny smiled at the act of love thinking of his own lovers .

Ill see you later my king (L)

Johnny leads Laurence down a selected hallway to get him to the back entrance right by the stables .

Its good to see him happy he deserves to be happy (J)

I hope I can continue to make him happy. I understand his limitations and all the problems that come with him being the future king . It might scare others but for me I've never back down from any challenge . (L)

My father always told me the things you work hard for are always better than the things that come easy . It won't be easy being in a relationship with the prince but no relationship is easy . (J)

He is worth fighting for I can tell (L)

The exit out of the castle the back of the garden

Do me a favor watch out for Giovanni .(L)

And you do me one don't hurt him he's been hurt enough (J)

Johnny headed back to the princess chambers when he came back in Giovanni was humming and smiling as he got dressed .

I take it you have a good night ?(J)

Johnathan my friend it was beyond anything I could have ever imagined .its as if I am truly breathing for the first time in years . I can't remember a time I was this happy .

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