Find Me

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( WARNING !!! Contains themes of rape and abuse please be advised before reading )

The next morning everyone got up extra early before the sun was even up . They loaded ship with supplies for the long jounrey .All the men were alerted of the dangers of the quest and all of them agreed to go if it meant protecting the brotherhood . We plan to sail to Crete first saving the barons for last .That way we would have more help assuming we would be successful before getting there . Before we board the ship I wanted to talk to Johnny .

I want to thank you for your service and dedication to the brotherhood and to your king . I understand how hard it will be being in a foreign place without your lovers . I promise you with my life I will see them both back to you .

Your majesty its an honor to serve my king and my people . I will oversee the progress of Prince Giovannis secret tunnel and make sure to stay out of trouble .(J)

Especially the stay out of trouble part like to not have to tan your hide first thing when I come back (C)

We have other intentions for when we are back with you (I)

I promise you I will personally make sure he is well taken care of and protected . I am indeed to you all for the happiness and healing you have brought me . (Giovanni )

If anything happens to him I don't care that you are the future king of Spain I will end you (C)

God forbid anything were to happen to Johnny I would give you the blade to empale me with .(Giovanni)

I can sense that he is taken this seriously he is speaking truthfully

So is Carter When he says we will end you (I)

Enough threatening I trust that Giovanni will take great of Johnny . The faster we leave the faster you can get back to him . We must go Giovanni until we meet again I wish you ll the best with your new lover .(F)

we all boarded the ship and set sail and I can see the sadness in Ians face especially as we can no longer see the doc .

He is going to be ok he is stronger then I think any of us know .

Im not so much worried about him being safe as I am us not making it back to him . Many have traveled to The barons and not many have been seen again (I)

None of them were traveling with the king of the pirates and the legendary Carter. You will see him again I promise .

The closer we get I can feel her magic, its week but I can still feel her (M)

I feel her too (Janis )

Do we have any idea who she was sold to or how to free her at all? (F)

We were all sold as sex slaves and Claree was a virgin at the time so she was sold for much more than the rest of us . She must be being held in a grand house to be purchased . (S)

There are two ways we can free her we can steel her in the night of find a way to purchase her .(M)

We will do both Once we discover what house she is being held at we will engage with the head of the home . Carter,Marguerite and I will engage With them while Ian and Langton search got Claree . George you devise a way of escape if we have to make a quick exit .(F)

Knowing hoe these quest usually go we will need it (C)

Janis and I will put a cloaking enchantment over the ship so that we are un detectable . (M)

We sailed four days and we trained hard Mornings were spent training . I never thought that fighting could be so sexy but seeing Francis break a sweat and see his skill. He kept me on my toes but I didn't make it easy for him . The four of us had become a team we knew each others moves . Ian and I had learned how to fight together as Francis and Carter loved to gang up on us. Seeing Janis regain her relationship with Marguritte was heart warming . Marguerite was training me and Sade helping me to make me visions clear .

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