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The Human whose name is written in this note shall die.

Katsuki Hinata: Daughter of the highest-ranking member of the Japanese task force, and runner upper to Light Yagami in the academics department of their school. She was holding on to her spot for first place while balancing the Kira case all at once. She was highly intelligent, smarter than almost every other kid her age. Every other kid but Light Yagami.

She resented him with every bone in her body, and she knew he felt the exact same about her.

They had been enemies since childhood, competing for the same spot in life. No one had ever seen more tension between two people in history. An Inevitable fate was brewing for the two of them, and they had no idea of it whatsoever.

Katsuki's POV.

I had taken one of the biggest exams of my life and ended up sitting with L himself, all while running on a few choppy hours of sleep. I had tossed and turned the entire night before, being completely and utterly nervous about the test scores I had been waiting for.

"You're fidgeting, it's distracting me." I stopped shaking my leg, my eyes landing on the raven-haired boy across the room. I wasn't surprised at how observant he was. L was smart, and I admired that about him. But he could be a little too smart for his own good. "Are you still watching him?"

By him, I meant Light Yagami. My biggest enemy in life itself. I felt a sense of joy knowing he was a suspect in this case, but I feared for my life all at the same time. If Light was Kira, he could kill me at any moment and not feel a bit of remorse for it.

"Oh, Lollipop! You've caught me. Wanna hear about my day?" I plopped down in the skinny chair next to him, rolling around the entire room as I waited for a response.


His simple answer made my eyes light up. I was grateful for Lawliet. He had become a friend, a real friend.

"I took my entrance exams today and I swear to the gods if I fall in second place to him one more time I might just-" I stopped myself mid-sentence realizing what I was about to say. "It's okay, Kitty. You're not a suspect, nor would I ever consider you to be one." Lawliet had a specific kind of trust in me, one you would have in someone you've to know your entire life - someone who's never crossed you before.

L and I had only known each other for a few months, or at least it's felt that way. "I'm sure you've done well, Kitty. You're very smart, maybe even smarter than me." I've come second to Light Yagami my entire life, there's no way I'm anywhere close to being as smart as L.

My arms shot to the air as if they were reaching to the stars as I let out a loud yawn. I had finally gained the full attention of the latter. "You should go home, I'll have Watari take you."

"It was nice spending time with you, even if you don't talk much. I'll see you tomorrow!" His eyes went wide as I placed a small kiss on his temple, walking away with Watari.

Our car ride was silent until we got in front of my home. "You should take a break from the case to focus on school, we can all see how tired you are. And I'm not so sure your father would be happy with the amount of rest you're getting every night."

"Oh, don't worry about me, Watari. I'll be okay. Tomorrow is when I find out if I passed the entrance exams, wish me luck." Giving a small wave as a goodbye, I went in and began greeting my family. "I thought you would've been back later."

"Nope, I'm extremely tired and need as much sleep as possible." Mom handed me a plate of food before sending me off to my room to study. It was a daily routine for me. I had to stay on top of my books, not that it's gotten me where I want to be regardless.

Number one on the entrance exams. Perfect. I hope that narcissistic little brat is crying in the hallways right about now. I held my head high as I walked with the paper in hand, observing the other students around me. Some were boasting, while others were devastated.

My books sat in front of me as I wrote down notes, beginning a study session while I have some free time.

"Congratulations, Hinata."  Him. "How's it feel to make second place, Yagami?"

"I can't exactly say right now, this is my first time, after all." I kept my composure on the outside, but I was fuming on the inside. My blood was boiling, but I'd never give him the satisfaction of an outburst.

"Is there something you need?" A menacing smirk rested on his lips as he sat down in the chair next to me. He was too close for comfort being an enemy of mine. "You made number one on the entrance exams, I'd like to know how you did it."

I processed his statement for a moment before coming to the realization of what he was getting at. "I didn't cheat if that's what you're implying. I studied, and I studied some more. I worked my ass off day and night to get the grade I did." That smirk never went away, he was getting a rise out of me defending myself.

"How about you show me your method? I'd love to know what goes on in that brain of yours." I didn't trust him, nor would I ever. Light would do anything to succeed, and I wasn't going to get myself caught in the crossfire.


I left him there, that grimacing smirk still on his face. If I was going to become his friend, you'd have to pay me a billion dollars just for that to happen.

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