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This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.

More and more people died each and every day. It was devastating to watch, but I didn't feel a single bit of remorse for those criminals. The ones who deserved it got what was coming to them, it was only right that they were punished for their heinous crimes.

I probably seem like a psychopath having those kinds of thoughts, but I was right and I knew it. I didn't completely agree with Kira, but their opinions made a lot of sense to me all at the same time. I couldn't deny when someone was right.

"Did you make it?" My eyebrows furrowed at the random, and out-of-context, question. "Huh?"

"The entrance exams. Did you make it?" Once again, I plopped down in a chair next to the raven-haired boy. "I'm first on the entrance exams, passing the little brat for the first time."

"What is this grudge you hold against Light? Did he do something to you?" L's eyes were pricing into my own as I hesitated with a reply. "I- I'm not sure... He's just always thought he was better than me, so I've tried to prove he isn't. But I failed miserably every time, that is until now."

"I have a request, but only if you're willing. I doubt It would work given your status with the Japanese task force, but I've done an analysis,  and I think it could work." I swear If he says what I think he will. "I want you to befriend Light Yagami and get a confession out of him." Yeah, I called that. A point for me and zero for L.

"There's no way he'll fall for that, he's way too smart."

"I overheard your conversation in the library. Take Light up on his offer and get to know him, but keep your act up. You'll do great, you're intelligent, Katsuki."

I'll never catch a break around here, will I?

The mic I was wearing was scratchy and uncomfortable, something Light would probably end up noticing.

"I knew you'd come around, come on in. And don't forget to say hi to my mother." I let out a low growl under my breath. "I'm not a menace, Yagami." His mother popped her around the corner, completely startling me.

"I'm so sorry dear! Light, who is this?" She had a bright smile on her face which, in a way, I appreciated. This world was extremely dark at the moment, seeing someone still so bright and loving was exactly what everyone needed.

"Hello, Mr.s Yagami. I'm Hinata Katsuki, Lights classmate." She shook my hand, obviously taking in my appearance. She seemed pleased with what she saw. "Would you two like anything to drink or some snacks?" Light looked to me before I hastily shook my head.

"I think we'll live, but thank you, Mrs.Yagami." Light rushed us upstairs, taking his books out before gesturing for me to do the same. "Is this really about studying or are you gonna start problems? I'll leave right now if it's the second one."

"It's just about studying, I cross my heart. Scouts honor, even." Rolling my eyes, I took my own things out. "You were never a scout." He only chuckled before we began our studying. He seemed to be really nice, and I didn't know if I could trust that. He was probably just biting his tongue.

"What do you think about Kira?" I stiffened at the mention of that name. It was so sudden that I couldn't even prepare myself for it. "If you're worried about me judging you, I won't." I didn't believe that for a second. The perv probably has a camera set up, waiting to broadcast this to all of our classmates.

I gave myself a moment, not completely sure of what to say given the fact I still had the mic on me. I tried my best to hide the fact I was trying to muffle it, hopefully, he hadn't caught on.

"I think whoever Kira is, they're someone who seeks real justice for those who can't defend themselves. They're someone the defenseless can rely on when the ones who are supposed to protect and serve them do neither one of those things." I stopped, giving myself a moment to think about my next words.

"They're someone I envy." That smirk crept onto his face as it had in the library. "Why is that?" He questions. "Because they're the person I wish I was. But instead, I'm stuck here competing with someone as pathetic as you."

"Well, if I'm so "pathetic", doesn't that mean you're too given the fact you're competing with me?" Light was right for the first time since I had met him and I couldn't deny that. "I guess it does."

"Can I trust you with the biggest secret of all?" This was it, this was the confession. I sat up, trying to be as normal as possible. "I mean, I guess."

"I never hated you. I envied your life and the way your mind works. So I put my focus on my studies and tried to become better than you, so I guess we're now tied." Coming here was a complete waste of time. But I knew L would make me come back, and oh how I was regretting even doing this in the first place.

"I'll see you tomorrow in the library, don't be late, Yagami."

𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬|𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐘𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐗 𝐎𝐂|𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐲𝐲_Where stories live. Discover now