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If the cause of death is not specific, the person will simply die of a heart attack.

My last punch made the group around me fall silent. They watched as the trainer fell to the ground, completely unconscious. Bending down to his height, I put my mouth close enough to his ear for him to feel the heat of my breath against it.

"You're out, I win." I swiftly got up, walking towards James. "Congratulations, Ms.Hinata. You're now an official member of our team. I hope you stay with us for a long while."

"I wasn't planning on ever leaving."

My heels clicked in the silence of the night as I made my way to a familiar cafe. The several street lights illuminated the way for me as I found the entrance. I observed my surroundings before my eyes landed on him.

"It's been a while, Hinata. How've you been?" He pulled my chair out for me. He's never been this much of a gentleman towards me. "I've been focused on my studies. How's your mother and Sayu?" I had become extremely close with his family. Not only for the purpose of the case but because they had become important to me.

"They're amazing, they've missed you, you know." I observed his every move since I walked in here, something I knew he for sure wasn't aware of. "I know about the death note, Light. And the Shinigami that follows suit. So tell me, where is it at this moment? Behind me, I presume. Given the sense of energy and tension."

Light surprisingly kept his composure. "I don't know what you're talking about." The menacing smirk he once carried was now one I adapted myself. "Ryuk is his name. I've heard you mumble it before." Light shot up, dragging me out of the cafe and into an alleyway. "How do you know about the death note?"

"I did some extensive research when I disappeared. I stayed up late nights trying to rule out the fact that you might be Kira. And after some time alone, and truly focused study, I knew at that moment that you're God."

Light stood silent before the same look I held was plastered on his face. He was confident, too confident for his own good. "What do you want from me, Hinata?"

"Oh, Light... It's not about what I want per se, but what you need." My hand trailed up his chest before resting on his cheek. I pulled his ear down to my mouth, letting shivers run up and down his spine until he couldn't take it anymore. "You need me Light. I have connections you've dreamt about, the information you'll never be able to get yourself. Let me work with you to create a new world, I am at your disposal."

Light's POV.

She was different than I remembered. There was a darkness that rested in her eyes, similar to the one in my own.

She was once my enemy, the person I resented with everything in my body. I wanted nothing more than to see her fail in the past. But now that we're in the future, I'm no longer sure of what I want.

Katsuki even looked different. Her once honey-blonde hair was now dark as the night, and her clothes were tighter than the sweaters and jeans she used to wear. Even the heals she was wearing were different from those old boots she once had on. I was intrigued by her, fascinated by the sudden change in character.

"What do you say, Light? Do we have a deal?" She had me in her clutches, hands still on my body and sending shocks all throughout it. She didn't have to sexualize herself to do this to me. I had never felt like this around her before.

"If you even think about ratting me out, you'll be killed with no remorse."

Light and Katsuki shared the same menacing grin, smiling at each other like complete psychopaths in the making. They were more alike than they had ever anticipated.

He watched as she walked down the block, getting into a car before driving off. He stood there in complete awe of the girl he once called his enemy. His feelings of hatred still hadn't changed, but he was so engulfed in this new version of her that he had no idea just how obsessed he would become.

Katsuki's POV.

"Lollipop!" I hadn't seen Lawliet in what felt like forever. We had spent a significant amount of time away from each other, I thought I'd go insane. His eyes would've popped out his head by the way they were so wide. "When did you get back?"

"A little while ago, I had to make a small trip before I came here to see my favorite person in the world." Lawliet didn't speak. He sat quietly, almost as if he was taking in the sight in front of him. My eyebrows furrowed as I felt his arms softly wrap around me. I hesitated before hugging back. L wasn't affectionate, I had never seen this side of him before.

"Lawliet, are you feeling well?" I placed my hand on his forehead but he felt completely fine. "I missed you, Katsuki. You were gone too long for my liking."

"Any breaks in the Kira case? Did you ever rule Light out?" I already knew the answers to everything I was asking. I spaced out as L began to explain everything to me, not interested a single bit in the story of Kira.

"My family is waiting for me at home, I'll see you tomorrow, Lollipop."

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