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(adj.) mentally or emotionally distant; absent-minded.

Katsuki's POV.

This house was all too familiar. These people were ingrained into my heart and my memory. These kids meant the world to me. But I hated being here with every bone in my body.

"Come on, let's get the two of you inside." Sayu and Yoshi ran towards the door as I unlocked it, still having the spare key he had given me a while ago. They both stepped in, being greeted by Sayu's mom - my second mother.

"Katsuki? Aren't you a sight for sore eyes! Where have you been?" She brought me into a tight hug. I loved her hugs so much...

"I've been busy, I stayed in the states for a little while before coming back and getting back into work." She gave me a small smile. I knew what the topic would soon turn into. "How're you holding up?" I took note of the soothing gesture she was doing: rubbing her hand up and down my arm to try and comfort me.

"I'm fine, Ms.Yagami. I swear." He smiled almost as if she didn't believe, and I hated the look of doubt that rested on her face. The sound of all too familiar footsteps rang throughout the house before I saw him.

He seemed different. His eyes weighed heavy, and his poster was weaker than his usual high-held head. Ryuk followed behind him, only being seen by the two of us.

Ms.Yagami felt the tension between the two of us, hurriedly rushing to the two girls in the other room. "Katsuki-"

"-Save it for someone who cares, Light." I made my way towards the door, only to feel his hand on my arm. This time, he wasn't being rough. His grip was loose, and a pleading look rested on his face.

"I'm sorry..." I could feel the muscles in my body tense as those words left his mouth. Light was never the one for apologies, and in the past couple of years, he hadn't had much to apologize about. But I wasn't naive like the old me, I wasn't stupid enough to fall for his little tricks.

I was at his disposal, that's all I've ever been.

"And I don't forgive you, because although you weren't the one who went through with it, you still had every intention of seeing him dead by any means. He was my family, Light. But you clearly don't understand the importance of family."

He tried to protest, only being stopped by a snickering Ryuk. "I think you'd better leave her alone, Light. She might flip you on the floor again." The Shinigami's eyes rested on me for a while as if he was trying to read me. Ryuk was a curious creature, and he even sparked my own curiosity.

"You'd better listen to him, he actually knows what he's talking about this time."

Little pitter-patter's ran through the house before I could leave, and a cheesing Sayu would soon appear in front of me. She pulled her hand from behind her back, handing me a wrapped present. The wrapping paper wasn't anything special, but it was the thought that counted.

Hesitantly, I grabbed it from her hand, unwrapping it. Inside was a mended frame... The same frame I had broken along with dozens of others.

It was the picture, the one of L and I. I had no idea of how she would have gotten this, but I couldn't be more grateful for the little girl.

"Oh, Sayu..." I couldn't bring myself to finish that sentence, feeling the words get stuck as I held back the tears forming in my eyes. I wrapped her in a tight embrace, feeling as her smaller arms wrapped around my torso.

I didn't want to let go of her. I was too grateful. Not only for her, but to have the one item that brings me a happy memory.

"Congratulations, Hinata."  Him. "How's it feel to make second place, Yagami?"

"I can't exactly say right now, this is my first time, after all." I kept my composure on the outside, but I was fuming on the inside. My blood was boiling, but I'd never give him the satisfaction of an outburst.

"Is there something you need?" A menacing smirk rested on his lips as he sat down in the chair next to me. He was too close for comfort being an enemy of mine. "You made number one on the entrance exams, I'd like to know how you did it."

I processed his statement for a moment before coming to the realization of what he was getting at. "I didn't cheat if that's what you're implying. I studied, and I studied some more. I worked my ass off day and night to get the grade I did." That smirk never went away, he was getting a rise out of me defending myself.

"How about you show me your method? I'd love to know what goes on in that brain of yours." I didn't trust him, nor would I ever. Light would do anything to succeed, and I wasn't going to get myself caught in the crossfire.


I left him there, that grimacing smirk still on his face. If I was going to become his friend, you'd have to pay me a billion dollars just for that to happen.

That interaction never stopped there. In fact, that was the one that started a domino effect.

I waited for Watari outside as the rain came pouring down, but to no avail, he hadn't shown up. He could've at least given me a heads up. He's never been late before, this was the most inconvenient day ever.

I spotted the brunette, and I had only one option due to this weather: I had to ask him for a ride.

Taking a deep breath, I built up the courage to walk over to him, getting completely soaked in the process. I had to finally put my pride aside, but inside, I was fuming with hate for myself.

"You've returned." He scowled at the sight of me, a smirk still resting on his face. I wanted to wipe it right off of his face, but I chose not to do exactly that.

"Hold your disgust, Yagami. I just need a favor from you... Can you give me a ride? I'm gonna get sick if I stay out here any longer." The fabric of my hoodie and sweatpants began to feel uncomfortable as It stuck to my skin. "And why would I give you a ride?"

"Because I'm soaking wet in the fucking rain... Look, I'll owe you, okay? Can you just let me in the car and stop being a stubborn dick?" He stood there thinking under the dry comfort of his umbrella. His eyes rested on me, making eye contact the entire time. I had to look away, he was too intimidating...

"Fine, get in the car, Hinata."

𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬|𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐘𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐗 𝐎𝐂|𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐲𝐲_Where stories live. Discover now