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Maria looked at her professor that was teaching, or to be exact, reading every word that his presentation slide had, acting like the students can't even read them themselves.

Maria frowned as she suddenly felt her throat was getting dryer and her body started to feel weird. It's the feeling when she would get thirsty over blood but this time, it's even stronger than usual.

But, the weird thing was, she already drank a bag of blood in the morning as her breakfast and she has been doing that routine for years, her body never acts like this. At least, not until lunchtime approach for the day.

Fuck. I can't even focus on the class. What happened to me?

Suddenly, the vision of yesterday's incident where she bumped into that one male human came crashed into her mind. Her palms started to sweat for no reason as she recalled the scent of the man that got into her system. She could feel every hair on her skin got to straighten up as if it was the reflex of the scent she recalled. Despite this, the human now was nowhere within her sight in the lecture hall.

Of course, not. She never crosses paths with him, not even once and yesterday was her first time noticing his presence. But, for some odd reasons, he seems so damn familiar. She wondered to herself where did she ever meet him before yesterday's encounter.

"Okay, students. Before we end our lecture, I want to remind all of you about your individual project. Make sure to submit them by this Friday. Understood? Our class is dismissed."

Right after the last sentence was said by her professor, Maria quickly pulled the strap of her bag and put it on her shoulder before she stepped in fast pace out from the lecture hall.

She needed it. She needed blood.

Days had passed and Maria was still haunted by the odd behaviors. She even spent her night hunting for some blood of wild animals in the forest to satisfy her craving but it was no use. Her mind and her body still feel weird and to be very honest, she never felt this way before. She has been living for more than 1,000 years but this is her first time to felt this way.

She was clueless and she finally decided to meet with her best friend, Yoongi. She was currently sitting with Yoongi and his girlfriend, Yumi in their living room as she could not stop bouncing her legs and sighed from time to time.

"What happened, Maria? You look...like a mess." Yumi pointed out, frowned at the sight of Maria.

She sighed for God knows how many times she has been doing that within that few minutes before she, at last, told him about what she felt these days and Yoongi just exchange looks with Yumi while smiling at each other that perked Maria's curiosity.

"You are craving for him." Yoongi said shortly but enough to make Maria scoffed.

"What was that supposed to mean? I never taste his blood. How in the world do these weird things that happened to me mean that I crave for him?"

"Well, it's kinda confusing too to me. But, based on how you describe that even a thousand bags of blood couldn't cure your thirst, then that's only mean one thing. You are craving for him, for his blood." He shrugged as he sipped some of his tea.

"This is ridiculous."

"It's not. I was the same as you when I started to crave for Yumi."

"It's not the same. You tasted her blood beforehand. While I just bumped onto this human without knowing the taste that was held by his blood."

"True. I don't know. I just gave you my opinion. So, if you want something more believable, just ask your parents." Yoongi replied again and Maria sighed while rolling her eyes.

"You know how their hatred towards humans, right? How the fuck you want me to ask them and if ever you are right, what the fuck will happen then when they know their daughter is craving for a human."

"Then, I have nothing to help you. But, they only not in a good term with that one family, right?"

"But, still. Technically, they hate all humans. Just that one family, they... Urgh, Yoongi. What should I do now?"

"Just go and find him. Suck his blood to prove if he's right or not. If you are still going through the same symptoms after you suck his blood, then, he's wrong." Yumi finally spoke up and Maria was mute for a while.

"Find him?"


Maria sighed a thousandth of times while she was sucking into her thought about the male human she met yesterday. She could not figure out how to find him and the worst thing was, she practically did not know who the fuck he was.

She just got out of the library after the whole day of staying in the library, thinking about these thoughts. She cannot even focus on her study on vampires like how she used to do before. Gladly, she got to borrow a book there since the said book just arrived and it was the book that she has been searching for for months.

She walked through the hallways before she stepped out of the hallways, bringing herself towards the exit of the library's building. But, she bumped into someone. She cursed herself for being too clumsy again. But, once she inhaled the scent of the person she bumped onto, she quickly gasped and brought herself far from him.

He picked the book that fell from Maria's grip while bumping onto him just now and read the title out loud with an amused expression.

"A discovery of vampires? Nice book." He brought up his head and he looked shocked for a few seconds before a grin crept upon his lips.

"Oh, you again? Well, be careful next time, miss." He said to her as he winked.

Oh, he remembered?

He then stretched out his hand that held the book towards Maria as Maria quickly grabbed them before he attempted to leave.

"Wait!" His steps halted and he turned around back with a polite smile and quirked eyebrows.


"May I...urm...know your name?" Maria bit her lips, looking forward to his response.

"My name? Why?" He pointed at himself as he asked while looking at her, blinking innocently at her.

"Research purpose." She just blurted out whatever came across her mind before she immediately regretted it. She bit her lower lip again but a bit stronger than before as she forcefully closed her eyes and she lowered her head, mentally cursed herself. She then could hear him chuckled softly.

"Well, since you are quite cute, I will just tell you. It's Jeon Jungkook. So, may I know yours now?"


"M-Maria Sim." She practically wished she could choke herself right now for stuttering. He chuckled again and to be honest, he's quite good-looking.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Maria. But, I really need to go. May destiny bring us together again." He said as he walked away, leaving Maria alone. Her legs feel jelly by the time Jungkook left.

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