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Jungkook pushed the fronds of palm leaves that were hung in front of the small main door of the little hut that Mrs. Barrison said was where the witch they were searching for lived in.

"Is she out?" Maria asked Mrs. Barrison but got no reply from the said witch. Maria and Jungkook then flinched as they tightened the grip with each other's hand when an old woman suddenly popped out like magic in front of them.

"Chester?" The old woman called as Mrs. Barrison looked at her with trembling eyes. She immediately pulled the old witch into a warm embrace as the couple behind them just watched the scene played in front of them.

"I missed you." Mrs. Barrison whispered in the witch's ear before the witch pushed her slowly out from the hug. The frown on her forehead showed that she did not understand what was currently happened.

"We just met?" The old witch frowned at Mrs. Barrison which also her younger sister.

"I'm time traveling, Chitra."


"I'm helping these two to find you. I know you are working on the cure for blood rage around this time and unfortunately, we thought the Fang family already came to its extinction. But, their third daughter who was not carrying the disease ran away without leaving any trace and gave birth to a vampire who had one. And, it's her brother."

"Seems like I don't make it to the future with you." Chitra just smiled bitterly as Mrs. Barrison dropped her gaze to the ground. Chitra quickly released some fake coughs before she smiled at Maria and Jungkook.

"So, you want the potion, right?" Maria nodded eagerly as she stepped forward towards her with Jungkook, still not unlocking their hands.

"Good news is the potion already completed based on my observation with the number of ingredients, the strength of the spells I cast on the potion, and the number of years it was boiled." Chitra started to explain and that caused Maria to sighed in relief as she smiled at Jungkook.

"But." That one mere word literally changed the atmosphere between them in a blink of an eye. Maria quickly brought her gaze back to Chitra as Chitra released a heavy sigh.

"I never test them since as you know, the Fang family was already gone and there was no trace of vampires having this disease anymore. So, the potion is not confirmed will be a success in curing blood rage."

"But, you said it's already fully formulated?"

"As I said, it's formulated completely but not tested yet which makes the potion is not reliable. Yet."

𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔 - 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now