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Jungkook was doing his assignments on his study while the music was blasting through his portable speaker, accompany him from the silence in his room. The knock on his door immediately made him averted his attention to his closed-door as he stopped the music from playing.

"Young Master. Your parents are already back from London. They asked for you to have dinner with them." The voice of their head maid could be heard from the back of the door.

"I will be there in a minute!" Jungkook replied and then, silence fell upon him for a moment before he released a heavy sigh. He closed his MacBook before he pushed the chair out from the table to make his way out of his room.

Jungkook sat on his usual seat in front of his mother while his father sat beside them at the end of the long table with 8 seats. Their dinner was already served in front of them and it did not take long for them to start eating them in silence.

"I always see you with this one girl these days. Is she from your college?" His mother suddenly talked, breaking the silence that embraced the three of them in the dining hall.

"Oh. Erm, yeah. We are from the same elective class. Dr. Han's classes." Jungkook stated before he brought the food into his mouth again.

"It's your last semester before your graduation. I don't think it's the right time to be in any relay right now." His mother spoke again and he literally tried his best not to roll his eyes at the statement his mother just exclaimed.

"She's not a distraction to me. We always study together in the library plus she's not my girlfriend." Jungkook replied with his eyes looking straight to his mother in front of him before he looked down to his food again and whispered. "Yet."

"So, you plan to make her one, huh?" As expected, his mother glared at him before his father who was trying not to involve himself in that conversation called his wife.


"Let me be, Jeon. It's for his own sake." His wife fired back. And, that's when Jungkook slammed his utensils onto the dining table as he gritted his teeth. 

"It's up to me if I want to be in a relationship now or not. It's my life, not yours, for fuck sake. You should be grateful enough that I still fulfill your desire to have an educated perfect son. I know you support my dreams of becoming a tennis player but it's still frustrating how I'm being the best student every semester is still not enough for you. You even add my study time at night just because you said you want me to redeem back the time I used for training. I'm getting sick of these bullshits."

Jungkook took a sharp breath as he pursed his lips to prevent himself from letting out more words than he already kept for so damn long inside him. He then stood up from his seat before he looked over to his parents.

"I'm sorry. I will need to excuse myself first." He said as he walked out from the dining hall to his room upstairs. Once he stepped into his room, he threw himself onto his bed with his chest was on the surface of the bed as he dug his face on his pillow.


During their kiss, Maria could feel her body started to act up even more but she ignored them. From his lips, she moved down to his cheeks and then his jawline until her lips reached the crook of his neck. He tilted aside to allow herself more and let out a soft moan as he felt Maria sucked his skin but not until he could feel a little pain from his neck, causing him to wince in pain.

Maria quickly pulled away herself from him as he stepped backward, putting his palm on the part of his neck where he felt the pain just now. And, that's when he saw Maria's fangs on both of her canines as her darker eyes slowly back to their normal state.

"Y-you are a vampire?" Jungkook looked at her without blinking his eyes even once, not believing what he just saw a few moments ago.

"I-I'm sorry. It's not supposed to be like this. This s-should never happen." Maria said while stuttering as her hands started to tremble, throwing her gaze anywhere but him, not knowing why she was scared to even look into his eyes right now.

"I-I need to go." Maria quickly wanted to walk past him but he grabbed her wrist almost immediately and pulled her back to where she was standing just now, in front of him.

"Wait. We just kissed and now, you wanna go act like there's nothing happen between us?" Maria could hear Jungkook's tone filled with disbelieved and disappointment.

"B-but-" He immediately kissed her again to shut her up before he pulled away back, bringing up his hand and planted his palm on her cheek before he caressed them lovingly. And, then, they fell onto her shoulder as he gripped her shoulders gently, looking straight into her eyes.

"Look. I really like you. A lot. And, I don't even care about the fact you being a vampire. I like you the way you are. It's you who I like not your kind or where are you coming from." Jungkook confessed while looking deep into her eyes, while Maria was turned mute.

Jungkook then took her right hand in his and pulled up to place a kiss on the back of her hand. He then looked up before a smile plastered on his lips, holding still onto her hand.

"So, would you like to be...my girlfriend?" Jungkook asked and waited for a few moments but all he got was silence. Maria just lurked her eyes everywhere but he and disappointment flashed right across his face as his grips slowly loosen up from kept holding onto her hand.

But, Maria quickly grabbed them back and pulled the collar of his shirt using her other hand, meeting her lips with his as they, again, kissed. She then pulled away as she bit her lower lips, flashing him a wide smile.

"Yes," Maria answered as her cheeks started to visibly show a soft pink tint on them, making Jungkook giggled at the cuteness. Maria then pulled her lower lips against her teeth before she looked up into his eyes and continued. "I would love to."

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