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another double update to spoil you guys, hehe

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another double update to spoil you guys, hehe. i'm sorry for not updating yesterday since i'm not feeling well. btw, don't forget to read chapter 23 first♡


"Hey, Jakie. How are you today?" Yuna placed her bag at its usual place as she looked at her boyfriend who was leaning onto the head on the bed. Jake flashed her a smile as he quickly wrote something in his notebook.

'I'm fine. How about you, my love?'

Yuna smiled at the pet name he used to call her before as she nodded her head and answered that she was fine too. Yuna started to spend more time with Jake since Maria and Jungkook were gone just to find the cure for him.

Even with the fact that Jake had the disease that obviously was not that great to spend time with him. But, he was still not in the critical stage where he could not control them anymore, and the condition of his body after he woke up from a coma also be a part of the reason why her safety was still secured when she's with him.

Jake was currently had disabilities in his speech and he still could not walk properly yet without the help of his walking stick quad cane. Most of the time, Jake will communicate with everyone through papers. Just like how he did with Yuna now.

"Can we go on a date? You want to go out for a date with me?" Yuna asked Jake and Jake slowly nodded.

"Alright! I will ask your parents' permission first and then, we are ready to go!" Jake just smiled at the cuteness his girlfriend showed to him.

He might lost the track of time which he will never know that he has already been in a coma for 10 years if no one ever told him. But, for some odd reasons, right after he regained his consciousness, he could feel that he was longing for the love of his life.


"Wait here. I need to buy something from the convenience store." Yuna parked her car at the parking lot in front of a convenience store. Jake nodded in response as Yuna quickly got out of the car to jog into the convenience store.

Yuna picked a few popsicles available in the fridge and she immediately paid for those before she jogged back to her car where Jake was waiting for her. She smiled at him after she hung the plastic in the back seat.

"Now, let's go." She buckled the belt as she started to drive away from there to their destination of the day. Once the car stopped somewhere, Jake looked out through the window as Yuna already got out to help him get out of the car.

Yuna helped Jake sat on the only bench at that familiar-looking place. It was at the top of a mountain where whoever stands from here would be feed with the beauty of the city of Seoul. It looks more breath-taking if they come at night where they could see the light from each building with various colors lighten up the darkness in the city.

Yuna ran back to her car as she took the plastic full of popsicles and finally, locked her car and ran in front of her car before she halted her steps, facing the bench, that was not that far from where she was standing, where Jake was sitting on at that moment.

"Jakie!" Yuna called him as he turned to look at her. She grinned while waving her free hand to him as she spotted his lips started to curve up.

Yuna jogged towards him and sat beside him before she wiggled the plastic of those popsicles in front of him. She then placed the plastic beside her as she picked out two popsicles and gave one to him. She put her left hand by the side of her thighs and lurking her eyes around the small greenish park while her right hand holding to the popsicle while she enjoyed them.

"Do you remember that we used to come here every weekend?" Yuna looked by her side to see that her boyfriend was still mesmerized by the view of the park with the popsicle stayed inside his mouth. Jake slowly turned his head and face Yuna and pulled out the popsicle from his mouth before he nodded his head with a faint smile plastered on his lips.

"From here, I would be waiting for you and from our left where I was earlier, you would call my name, waving at me with plastic full with popsicles in your grip. Then, we would enjoy all the popsicles while just staring at the view of our city in front of us until sunset..."

The vision of those days started to come into both of their sights as the atmosphere slowly was filled with melancholia. Tears already streaming down her face non-stop as she recalled back the good old days they once shared before. And, she really hope that day would come again with Jake already back to his healthy and cherish self.

"My life without you was hell, Jake. I missed you every second. I dreamed about you every night. I-" She stopped talking when the sobs escaped her as Jake who tears already welling up in his eyes just looked at her. He pursed his lips to avoid him from shedding any tears. He put his hand on top of hers that was just an inch of his right now before he brought them up to her face. He pushed them up to make her looked into his eyes.

"D-don't..." He managed to let out one word every he really wanted to talk more. He wanted to shower her with sweet words and encouraging words. But, he knew he can't, based on his current condition right now.

Yuna sniffled while tears still rolling down on her cheeks as Jake tried to wipe them away with a smile still plastered on his lips. Jake slid his hand from her cheek to her jaws. He gulped down really hard, looking at every inch of her beautiful face he once adore and still is up until now. His eyes stopped on her glossy lips as she unconsciously licked them when she noticed where he was staring at.

They started to move their faces closer to each other until each of them could feel the warm breath released by both of them, hitting their skin as it sent some chills down their spine.

Jake moved more towards her lips until his lips were placed against his as he started to kiss her soft lips slowly but passionately. She replied the kiss back and Jake tilted his head to the right with his grip under her jaw pulling her face a lot more closer to his to deepen the kiss they were sharing at that moment.

The kiss that they longed for, the kiss that held so many untold stories behind it, and the kiss that brought some euphoric feelings to both of them.

The popsicles that were still in their grip already melted from their state but they could care less about that now. This was the moment they wanted to cherish after years and they won't waste them just for some mere popsicles.

Only God knows how I truly love you, Jeon Yuna. If this would be our last, I hope you know that I will still be here as the wind, accompany you every single second just like how I wish I could.


two more parts before the epilogue :))

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