𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝕆𝕟𝕖 - ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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Witch Trial

(Prue grabs her stuff and leaves the room. Piper and Penelope follow.) 

Piper: Prue, what's the matter? 

Prue: Nothing. I just think that it's a long shot, that's all. 

Penelope: Well, at least it's a shot. 

Piper: I agree, I mean, who knows how many other demons and warlocks he's let loose that we just don't know about yet. 

Penelope: Or even worse. If Abraxas gets to the first page of the book before we get to him, we're toast. 

Prue: Why? 

Penelope: Because it's the incantation that gave us our powers, remember? If Abraxas says that backwards too, then we'll lose them and the book forever. 

Prue: So we go back to leading normal lives again. That doesn't sound so bad. 

Penelope: What? Are you joking? 

Prue: No, Penelope, I'm not joking. Look, we always said that things happen to us for a reason, right? So, maybe the reason this time is to give to us an out. 

Piper: Prue, there's no out. Abraxas will kill us. 

Prue: Not if all he wants is the book. After all, that's the real power, not us. 

Piper: If all he wanted was the book, he wouldn't keep sending demons and warlocks after us. 

Prue: Yeah, well, we won't have to worry about anymore if he gets to the first page. 

Penelope: What are you saying, Prue? Look, if we don't get to him, we stop being witches. 

Prue: Exactly. Which means we stop risking our lives all the time. Which means we stop watching the people we love lose theirs. (Prue walks away.) 

Penelope: Prue... (Piper stops her from following.) 

Piper: Let her be. 

(Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper and Penelope are there. Penelope's sitting at the table and Piper is looking in the fridge.) 

Penelope: We're screwed, you know. 

Piper: No, we're not. There's a window, we'll find it. 

Penelope: That's not what I meant. 

Piper: She'll come around. 

Penelope: By sunrise? You know how Prue is when she makes up her mind about something. That's it. We're screwed. 

Piper: And we're out of wine. (The doorbell rings.) 

Penelope: I'll get it. You keep dreaming. (Penelope gets up and walks out to the foyer. She opens he door and Dan is there, holding a bottle of wine.) Oh, hi... 

Dan: Dan. 

Penelope: Dan, right. 

Dan: You're Penelope. Jenny told me. I hope it's okay to stop by. 

Penelope: Of course, uh, we were just doing some reading. 

Dan: Well, I just wanted to give you this. (He hands her the wine.) To say thanks. You know, for talking to Jenny. Or better yet, for getting her to talk to me. 

Penelope: That's really sweet. And timely too. But it's not necessary 

Dan: Well, to be honest, I was sort of hoping to get something out of it. I mean, you know, for Jenny. Just in case she needs a woman to talk to again. 

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖊𝖉 𝕾𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗'𝖘 (𝕾𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕿𝖜𝖔)Where stories live. Discover now