𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕩

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2x06 That OId Black Magic

(Scene: Somewhere in the bush. Two guys see a cave. One guy is holding a map.)

Guy #1: There. That's gotta be it.

Guy #2: I don't know. It looks kinda small to be a mine shaft doesn't it?

Guy #1: Maybe it was bigger in the 1800's. X marks the spot. Let's check it out. (They walk inside. They see a skeleton on the ground.)

Guy #2: Definitely not a good sign.

Guy #1: You're such a wimp. (Bats fly past them and scares guy #1.)

Guy #2: You were saying? (They see writing on the cave.)

Guy #1: Ten bucks say this is where the gold is hidden.

Guy #2: Ryan, I think these are all warning signs.

Ryan: Stop worrying about it. (Ryan gets out a hammer and chisel and starts chiseling at the rock. The rock cracks and dust blows out of it. It explodes and there stands Tuatha a bad witch with a snake around her neck.)

Tuatha: I'm free. What year is this?

Ryan: 1999.

Tuatha: Two hundred years? My wand. Where is my wand?

Ryan: Your what?

Tuatha: My wand! Where is it?

Guy #2: We don't know what you're talking about. (Tuatha throws magical dust on them and they shrink.)

Tuatha: Too bad.

Ryan: What the hell just happened?

Guy #2: I don't know. She shrunk us. (Tuatha places her snake on a bucket.)

Ryan: What do you think she wants?

Guy #2: How should I know? (Tuatha starts walking towards them.) Uh-oh. Here she comes. I told you this was too dangerous.

Ryan: Fine! But what are we gonna do now? (Tuatha kneels down.)

Ryan/Guy: Run! (Tuatha picks them up and feeds them to her snake.)

Tuatha: You're welcome. Now, find my wand. (She puts magical dust on it.)

(Scene: Bucklands. Prue's on the phone talking to Penelope.)

Prue: Penelope, we are televising this live. Can't it wait?

(Cut to the manor. Penelope's looking out the living room window.)

Penelope: Prue, Dan's truck just pulled up outside.

Prue: Dan's truck? So?

Penelope: So, Piper is with him and they're kissing. And I'm not talking about 'thanks for lunch' peck on the cheek kinda kiss. They mean business. (Penelope turns away disgusted.)

Prue: Okay, what is the problem? They like each other, this is a good thing.

Penelope: No, I know, I'm just worried that she's moving too fast. Like she's too in a hurry to get involved with someone else.

(Cut back to Prue. She walks in a room where there's lots of people, cameras, and a table with auction items on it.)

Prue: Look, Piper's a big girl and really, I mean, it's none of our business. Right? Right?

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖊𝖉 𝕾𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗'𝖘 (𝕾𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕿𝖜𝖔)Where stories live. Discover now