𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

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P3 H20

(Scene: Camp Skylark. Prue is standing there looking out at the lake. She starts remembering about her mother's death.)

(In the flashback: It's at Camp Skylark. You hear sirens. There's police cars and an ambulance there. And Patty is lying on the dock in a body bag with three people kneeled down next to her.)

Medic: Third drowning this year.

Policeman: Anyone see it happen?

Some guy: Is that her little girl? Get her away from here. We don't want her to see her mum like this.

(Little Prue is standing on the dock.)

Little Prue: Mummy!

(A guy runs up to her.)

Guy: Are you Prue? Your Grams said we'd find you. Why don't you come back inside with me, okay?

(The guy picks her up and carries her off the dock.)

Little Prue: Mummy! Mummy!

(The flashback finishes. Tears are running down Prue's face. Her phone rings and she answers it.)

Prue: Hello?

Piper: Prue, are you still on the road?

Prue: Oh, yeah, traffic's insane.

Piper: Some guy called from Buckland's. I thought you'd be back from the estate sale already. I was just calling to see if you and my car were okay.

Prue: Yeah, we're fine.

(The phone beeps.)

Piper: Oh, that's um, that's probably Dan.

Prue: You know, he does live like twenty feet away. You guys could get walkie talkies, two cans, a string.

Piper: Point taken, mum.

Prue: Um, alright, go talk to your boy, I'll see you later.

(Prue hangs up. She starts walking towards the dock. She stands on the edge of it. She sees a guy in a canoe and the water starts bubbling next to it. He falls out and Prue runs along the edge of the water. The guy tries to get out of the water but can't. Another guy runs up to Prue.)

Man: No, it's too late. It's already taken him.

Prue: Just call 911.

(Scene: Manor. Piper's on the phone talking to Dan. She runs down the stairs into the kitchen. Penelope's there reading the paper. Piper sits down at the table and pours cereal into a bowl.)

Piper: Pouring.

(Cut to Dan. He's eating Froot Loops.)

Dan: Uh, chewing.

(Cut back to Piper.)

Piper: I can't believe you eat that stuff.

Penelope: You guys are killing me with cuteness over here.

Piper: (To Penelope) Don't you have somewhere to be, somewhere very far away. (Penelope moves closer.)

Dan: What do you say tomorrow, when Jenny's at school, we have breakfast for real?

Piper: I'll take what I can get.

Penelope: Nausea. (Prue walks in.) Prue, what are you doing home? You told Piper that you were heading into the office.

Prue: Yeah, things changed.

Piper: Uh, Dan, I have to call you back, okay.

Dan: Okay.

(She hangs up.)

Prue: Okay, I saw something or someone drown and it was anything but natural.

Piper: On the freeway?

Prue: No, up at the lake.

Penelope: Oh, wait a minute. The lake as in the lake, where mum was killed?

Piper: You said you were stuck in traffic.

Prue: Yeah, I was after the lake. I just go there sometimes to think.

Penelope: You never told us that.

(They walk past the dining room and up the stairs.)

Prue: Because I didn't want to make a big deal about it. Anyway, this isn't about mum, alright. I saw someone get pulled under, I tried to help him but this man stopped me and said "Its already taken him."

Piper: Do you think he knows what happened?

Prue: Could. (They walk in Prue's room.) Which means I need to get to Buckland's to drop stuff off and get back to that lake.

Penelope: Wait a minute, Prue, aren't you kind of missing the point? How can you think that whatever you saw didn't have something to do with how mum died?

Prue: Look, we need to stop worrying about the past and start dealing with the present. They're re-opening camp.

Penelope: I thought they closed it the summer that mum

Prue: Exactly. And no one has been allowed in the lake since and if there's something in it, killing, then the last thing we need is a lake full of kids.

Penelope: Well, how do we find the guy that stopped you?

Piper: What about the woman who used to run the camp? Mrs. Johnson. If she's still up there, she'll probably know who he is.

Prue: She's still there, same cabin.

Penelope: I guess you go up there to think a lot.

Prue: I'll meet you guys up at the lake. I should be there in an hour. (She leaves.)

Penelope: Do you really think the things she saw has nothing to do with how mum died?

Piper: Nope. You?

Penelope: Not a chance.

(Scene: Buckland's. Prue walks in her office and Jack's sitting at her desk.)

Prue: What are you doing here?

Jack: Pondering the possibilities.

Prue: Of?

Jack: Redecoration. Where's your flair in this place? Panache? The Prue?

Prue: What? Well, I don't think that's any of your business, Jack. Now, if you don't mind, I have a lot of work to do, so perhaps you could go annoy somebody down the hall.

Jack: Actually already did. Signed the dotted line, they sent me to my office.

Prue: Your office?

Jack: Well, it's only temporarily of course until mine is ready.

Prue: Wait, you think that you're working here?

Jack: Well, you said we couldn't date and work together so since you won't date me, one out of the two will have to do.

(She notices him wearing tight red shorts.)

Prue: And you consider that proper work attire?

Jack: Hey, if you can get away with wearing that, I can certainly get away with wearing this. And no wonder no one gets any work done around here, you look wooow!

Prue: Flattery will get you nowhere.

Jack: Well, got me this job.

Prue: Okay, look, I have to go take care of some personal things, so until I get back let's just employ a hands off policy, meaning don't touch anything.

Jack: Tell you what. Take your time, I'll sit back here and make myself comfy. (He leans back in the chair and falls backwards on the floor.)

Prue: Really nice form, but the dismount could use a little work.

Jack: Meant to do that.

(She leaves.)

(Scene: The lake. Mrs. Johnson's place. Penelope's looking at a photo and Mrs. Johnson brings in some cookies.)

Mrs. Johnson: Well, I'm finding it hard to believe enough times gone by for you to of grown up so much. Here. (She hands Piper the plate of cookies.)

Penelope: Aww, look at little Prue. Nice pigtails Piper. (She laughs.)

Piper: Not fair.

Penelope: No, what's not fair is that I never got to go to camp with you guys.

(She grabs the plate off Piper and starts eating a cookie.)

Piper: Um, we heard you were thinking of opening up the camp again.

Mrs. Johnson: Oh, was. I thought it was over and then today another drowning. I can't ask the campers to go swimming in the lake when...

Piper: Um, we were wondering if you might help us with something. Prue was up here the other day and she mentioned a man, um, older, a bit off.

Penelope: I think the word that she used was crazy.

Piper: We were wondering if you might know who he is.

Mrs. Johnson: Oh, Sam. Only one it could be. The man's not wired together properly. He showed up when the drownings started. He just stayed here, no friends, no life of his own. You know, with someone like that, you have to wonder what he's capable of. (Piper and Penelope look at each other.)

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