𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠

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2x02 Morality Bites

(Scene: Halliwell manor. Kitchen. Piper brings in the groceries. She's holding her shoe. Prue and Penelope smell something.) 

Penelope: What did you buy? 

Piper: Doody. 

Prue: We weren't out of that. 

Piper: No, I stepped in it again. That man has turned our front walk into a puppy mine field. 

Penelope: I can not believe that guy still let's his dog do his business right in front of our house. 

Prue: Yeah, well, we've left notes. 

Piper: And gotten no where. 

Penelope: Yeah, well, I've had it. The next time I catch him in the act, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind. (A dog barks.) 

Piper: That couldn't be. 

Penelope: Oh, I hope it is. (They run to the window.) 

Piper: That's them. That's the guy and his dog. I can't believe it. 

Prue: That is so rude. He's just gonna walk away. 

Penelope: Then don't let him. Use your magic. Well, if you can't teach the dog new tricks, how about the owner. Just think the money we'd save on carpet cleaning alone. 

Prue: Penelope, we can't use our magic just to teach him or anybody else a lesson. 

Penelope: Why not? It's for the greater good, I mean, I mean, that's our job, right? Think of it as community service. We'd be doing our whole block a favour. Come on. (She opens a window.) Okay, Piper. 

Piper: I hope he's not out of my range. (She freezes the guy.) 

Penelope: Prue... (Prue flicks the poo on his shoe.) Nice shot. (He unfreezes.) An eye for an eye, a shoe for a shoe. (The guy sees the poo on his shoe and tries to wipe it off. He looks around.) 

Prue / Piper / Penelope: Ooh! (They duck.) 

Prue: Did he see you? 

Penelope: So what if he did? What's he gonna do? Cry witch? (The guy walks off.) Well, we've done our good deed for the day. I think I deserve fifteen minutes of channel surfing. 

Piper: Who wants coffee? 

Prue: I'll grind. (Prue and Piper go to the kitchen. Penelope sits on the couch and turns on the TV. A news report about Cal Greene shows up. Penelope has a premonition. Penelope makes a noise and Prue and Piper come in.) 

Prue: Penelope, are you okay? 

Piper: Take a deep breath, honey, it's alright. 

Penelope: No, it's not. I saw my future. I was being executed. Burnt alive. 

(Scene: Halliwell manor. Continued from before.) 

Piper: Why would a report about a baseball player trigger a premonition like that? 

Penelope: I don't know. All I know is I could feel it, I could feel the fire. 

Piper: And we were just standing there? That can't be right. 

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖊𝖉 𝕾𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗'𝖘 (𝕾𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕿𝖜𝖔)Where stories live. Discover now