Part 1 Prologue

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Angel form being in use: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

Thought: 'Thought as lazy type out thought'

I don't own either My hero Academia or Iron Ladies they are owned by their respective authors.

Onto the story

fleet admiral of Beiyang Mu Siyun the person many called the heavens defying dragon king for painting decks with his enemy having spent his life fighting for humanity have finally eradicated all threats to his foster family and united the three great fleets into one. And soon decided to do what the fleets were created for venturing out into the unknown and taking worlds for humanity and they travelled for 6 years exploring and taking over multiple planets.

But when they first started their journey on a planet like their earth billions of light years away were our hero resides his twin sister Izumi had just return from the quirk doctor with a change of attitude which he never thought would come to her. Izumi grew arrogant and bullied him to the point near death along with all of his classmates while his mother praised them for their quirks and their improvement in usage.

Izumi: "What the hell are you doing you Deku! You are suppose to be doing my chores!"

Izuku: "But mom said you were supposed to do it"

Izumi then began lifting him up with her quirk(Telekinesis) and strangling him.

Izumi: "Now listen closely you will do my chores and my homework while I go out and play with Katsumi you useless male"

Izuku could do nothing but choke until she let him down which he then quickly rushed to do the chores.

This went on for 6 years when he finally reached the tipping point when Katsumi and Izumi told him to take a swan dive of the roof after it was announced that he was still going to try for UA. He could not believe what he was hearing his own sister saying that but he did not listen. Eventually he went on his way but stopped to see his sister and Katsumi stuck in the sludge villain with nobody doing anything. At least until him

Izuku rushed in and threw his bag at the sludge villain eyes to bye some time and let them breath.

Izumi: "What the hell are you doing you Deku"

Izuku: "You look like you could have used some help"

This went until All Might came and took out the sludge villain but injured Izuku in the way. And the rest of the heroes rushed in to help but nobody helped Izuku and All Might was about to leave but not before breaking Izuku.

All Might: "This could have gone a lot smoother if a useless Male hero wannabe did not get in the way. Only strong females can become a hero"

Izuku hearing this slowly limped his way to his school and stood at the roof ready to end it all. Contemplating all the pain he has went through he jumped but was saved by a red haired goddess who brought him to the heavens where he saw what could only be called a emperor to bow to.

???: "Young man why did you jump?"

Izuku: "I have nothing left to live for my dreams are crushed and only suffer for being born a male"

???: "Haha that reminds me of my story. But tell me what do you dream for?"

Izuku: "I only dreamed to be a hero to help those who cannot help themselves"

???: "I can help you but not be a hero but a emperor who will watch over the people on this planet"

Izuku: "Yes I accept as I want revenge and mock my bullies. Why be a hero with them when you can be a emperor watching over them"

???: "Very good, you have the mentality required and you shall take my family name and my power as the world devouring dragon emperor"

Izuku: "What is your name"

???: "Mu Suyin the Heaven defying dragon king"


647 words

So what do you guys think and for pairing I have a couple ideas and the red hair goddess is already taken so just warning but am open to MHA waifu. Also he will go to UA at 17 which is the age for all. Any questions put it in the comments. And any ideas or critic also comments.

RSK12321 going to workout reach Chad level of buffness

Izuku the world devouring dragon emperorWhere stories live. Discover now