Part 13 Loss of GM

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Angel form being in use: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

Thought: 'Thought as lazy type out *thought* every time'

I don't own either My hero Academia or Iron Ladies they are owned by their respective authors.


Pony: "Isn't it a bit too difficult"

Izuku: "No as we will not have access to angel form"

Nezumi: "Yes that is true but to make things fair Gal Might will join you and Katsumi along with Golden hamster will be against you"

The two than looked at the class with a grin.

GM: "Nezumi why isn't that male joining us"

Nezumi: "Cause he can be considered a hero already"

GM: "But it is only fair for him to join as the others are"

Nezumi: "Fine"

The class than continued to the aren-- I mean city while GM followed behind with an evil grin in her eyes.

End of recap

Momo: "Haru what is the plan?"

Izuku: "Well the plan i--"

GM: "And why should we listen to you! I am a pro hero with years of experience we should follow me!"

Izuku: "But we are figting against a fleet patrol they will not be like your easy fights"

GM being mad grabbed Izuku by his collar and stared into his eyes.

GM: "We will follow my lead like it or not"

GM tossed Izuku to the side who was shivering in fear having a panic attack. Only those who worked with Izuku before went to comfort him while the rest of the students went to follow GM.

Momo: "Haru are you better?"

Camie: "We are here for you"

Saiko: "Yeah we will not let you fall"

Izuku: "Thanks gals I will be better in a bit go first"

The group then went on to follow them while Izuku just balled up and cried a little before getting up to continue.

GM: "So the plan is simple we will ambush one patrol get the info out of them and scram to the exit"

The students agreed but the group who trained with Izuku knew to be afraid and stayed back. Soon Izuku came to join the group and stayed on the outskirts quietly. Not long later the group identified a group to attack.

GM: "Okay we will attack the group in three"

The class who were with GM on the attack got ready.

GM: "Two"

The group crouched, readying to jump down.

GM: "One"

The class armed their quirks about to attack"

GM: "Go"

The class all went down to attack at the same time catching the patrol of guard and was defeating a majority of the group.

GM: "Fight harder we are winning"

Patrol troop: "All units diverge and attack for the fleet!"

The troops began fighting back with even more ferocity, like the word fleet was a activation phrase for them to fight.

Izuku the world devouring dragon emperorWhere stories live. Discover now