Part 15 I live and I fight with you brothers

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Angel form being in use: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

Thought: 'Thought as lazy type out *thought* every time'

I don't own either My hero Academia or Iron Ladies they are owned by their respective authors.

Hey guys so sorry for being gone for so long but I am back and will write more chapters. I have setup a patreon which can be found on my profile and if you have just a little and want to show support or want to see new chapters in advance you can go there. Any donations will be appreciated.


David took a trigger and activated a bomb which was connected to the stasis pod which Melissa remaining body was in.

Izuku: "No what have you done!"

David: "I finally killed the waste of a daughter"

Izuku cupped his hand to the robot chest

Izuku: "Well no"

As Izuku stood up from the corpse holding a glowing sphere.

Izuku: "Her body is dead but her soul is here and she will rule in my place while I ensure other planets fall"

David: "Nooo!"

David went forward with a knife only for Katsumi to knock her out instantly.

Katsumi: "So this is why you insist on coming here"

Izuku: "Yes many have fallen trying to recreate even a fraction of our power"

Katsumi: "So she will watch over earth for us?"

Izuku: "Yes do you accept Melissa"

The orb glowed brightly engulfing the entire area before finally fading yet one phrase was heard in both Katsumi and Izuku."By your will my lord"

End of recap

Katsumi and Izuku were resting in their room after the whole ordeal with the David. With Izuku sitting holding the orb which was Melissa.

Katsumi: "I still can't believe that David did that to her own daughter"

Izuku: "You won't believe how common this is and how often I seen something like this while travelling"

Izuku stared at the orb which was Melissa in deep thought while Katsumi slowly observe from behind. Seeing how sad he was she decided to be a bit cheeky and went forward hugging him from behind speaking into his ear before biting it.

Katsumi: "Maybe I can do something to help get your~~"

Izuku blushed hard seeing how forward Katsumi was trying to think of a good counter until the orb which was Melissa glowed and words were said.

Melissa: "Throw me into another room first or better yet end my suffering"

Izuku hearing this shoke it off then stood up and stared Katsumi in the eyes.

Izuku: "Sorry Kat but I got things to do and gains to get"

Izuku then walked off while the giga chad doom music was playing in the background leaving Melissa and Katsumi in shock at the sight of the first Chad on their planet in centuries.

Katsumi just blushed while staring at Izuku walking away.

Fast forward to the next day brought to you by Izuku fighting demons on mars with dual chainguns with Eri on his back holding him

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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