Decisions decisions

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Hi guys I love all the support you gave me and how all of you want to see the story grow with me. But I really have been lacking time and my studies are more time consuming and I really do not want to leave this on a cliffhanger I want to finish it. You do not go into a job half hearted you finish it

I know one of you recommended a co-writer but I do not know anyone willing and I want to finish what is mine by myself so I will finish it.

Additionally I am now planning for my university studies and with my grades not being so good I have thought of going to the UK to study finance or maybe law if any of you have tips to increase chance of entering I would appreciate it.

So I decided to write a extra long chapter like maybe 6000-20000 words at once usually I only type 1500 words to keep within the idea and not touch the following week. But i promise it will be at the same standard just maybe a little bit less details on certain parts

RSK12321 contemplating life before slapping himself and getting the sigma grind going! TURN THAT MINDSET INTO A GRINDSET!

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