Part 6

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Angel form being in use: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

Thought: 'Thought as lazy type out *thought* every time'

I don't own either My hero Academia or Iron Ladies they are owned by their respective authors.


All Might: "But mdm to give her detention for hurting a male"

Nezumi: "Shut up All Might he is a liaison of Mr Mu and as such will be treated with respect. This is her first offense please be lenient"

Golden Hamster: "Fine pack up and lets leave don't forget the Nomu thing"

The troops of the fleet went back into the transport ship going back to the fleet which warped back to moon.

End of recap

It is now the next day and the class has just started.

Mina: "I still can't believe Haru is part of the group of the fleet"

Tsuyu: "But thanks to that he saved us"

Krishima: "But did you see the way he led the counter attack so manly"

Ochaco: "But will he be in trouble he did lead the team here"

At that moment Izuku came in followed by a golden haired girl.

Katsumi: "Haru are you okay?"

Izuku: "Yes but due to the attack yesterday Mr Mu has decided to get sister Golden Hamster to stay and protect me and becoming the combat insturctor instead of All Might by his words 'Ass Might is a trash teacher and fighter better have one of us teach them properly'"

Mina: "Wait isn't that the name of the girl who could easily take out All Might"

GH: "All Might hahahaha she could barely last against a private and symbol of peace she will not last a few minutes against a horde"

Izumi: "Your lying All Might is the strongest and I am her successor"

GH: "Please girl have you ever heard what it means to be strong. How bout any of you?"

Mina: "It means to have the strength to take out your enemy?"

GH: "Yes but how?"

Izumi: "To take the place of the previous strongest"

The crowd than looked at Izumi before GH started laughing.

GH: "Hahahha no it is to be forged in war and the blood of your enemy. During my time before fleet admiral Mu was put in charge we where tossed into a fight for our lives immediately after a procedure multiple times more painful than child birth giving us a boost in strength compared to one of your strength enhancers"

The class began crowding around her wanting to hear her story before Aizawa coughed catching their attention.

Lida: "Mrs Aizawa shouldn't you be in hospital?!?"

Aizawa: "No need golden hamster provided good medicine"

GH: "No prob its one of the reason we go after planets to get new resources"

Aizawa: "Golden Hamster why don't you tell your story to the class"

GH: "Well sure. When battle began hundreds of us died within the first second and I nearly died until sister iron pagoda saved me and foster father Mu descended on the battle field destroying the enemies"

Izuku the world devouring dragon emperorWhere stories live. Discover now