Part 3

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Angel form being in use: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

Thought: 'Thought as lazy type out *thought* every time'

I don't own either My hero Academia or Iron Ladies they are owned by their respective authors.


Now one month before the UA entrance exam

The citizens of earth was enjoying a normal day when they saw a giant ship appeared over the UN office. Many panicked but it did nothing until a ship departed and came too earth standing before the office with a male coming out shocking everyone present.

Mu Suyin: "My name is Fleet Admiral Mu of the Beiyang Fleet of the intergalactic alliance we demand an audience with your world leaders to discuss bringing your world into the alliance or subjugate this world"

End of recap

Random politician: "The world leaders are not here right now so please come again later thank you"

Mu Suyin: "Are you mocking me? Maybe I should just destroy this world and get it over with"

Mu Suyin released a aura that even AFO would have trouble against.

Random politician: "No no it will just take time for them to come here so we hope you understand"

Mu Suyin: "Very well I shall return in 3 days"

Mu Suyin left the area with his fleet rising back to space to cruise around before the meeting leaving the people scared and confused. Knowing of the threat the various leaders of the world quickly assembled to meet and discuss plans with Japan insisting having the symbol of peace be there to facilitate as a show of strength

Time skip to three days and the meeting brought to you by Izuku Mu enjoying mouse cake.

The smaller fleet appeared and soon a carrier ship came down carrying the vice fleet admiral.

Random Politician: "Is that you fleet Admiral Mu"

Izuku: "You are mistaken I am sub fleet admiral Mu in charge of one of various section of the fleets under foster father"

Random Politician: "My apologies but will you come inside"

Izuku along with Golden hamster and aya as well as a small squad of troops walked in and soon faced a full area and upon the sight the leader muttered in how he looks different.

US president: "Who are you"

Izuku: "I am sub fleet admiral Mu foster son of fleet admiral Mu head of one of the 5 sections under the great conquering fleet"

Japan prime minister: "Where is fleet admiral Mu"

Izuku: "He is busy subjugating a stronger planet"

All Might: "Are you saying this planet is week"

Izuku: "Honestly your planet has little resources and the people are weak and corrupt, but under galactic rule we are required to check you for potential"

All Might: "Why do you have the right aren't you just a brat who got his position due to his father"

Izuku: "I have earned my right to this position after conquering multiple planets for the alliance with my own might unlike many people from your world especially the part called japan"

This angered All Might who went in to try to attack Izuku much to the dismay of everyone present but was quickly stopped. By Aya grabbing by the neck and tossing her aside.

Izuku the world devouring dragon emperorWhere stories live. Discover now