Chapter 0 (prolog)

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Sooo guys, I'm a bit shameful of doing this but I think it's fun and fuck it actually I want to enjoy my ships and I want other people to enjoy it with me. And maybe (hopefully) I will  get better in english... Btw don't hesitate to tell me when I'm wrong ! And sorry guys, but NO SMUT, no sex in my story ;p maybe some cuddling but that's all.

It's still in UA, after like two years when everthing calmed down a little.... So I think they are in their third year, and are like 17/18 years old.

Katsuki and Izuku were « officialy » friends after all these fights and villains to defeat. They still yelled at eachother all the time (especially katsuki, of course) but there have been now a mutual respect between them. They even had conversations sometimes ! Even if it was rare, izuku was glad they had them. It's not like the others from class would call their relationship « friendship », but it seemed calmer than before... And, we must say, it's difficult to call any relationships with katsuki « friendship » because he's always yelling at everyone.

Anyway, Izuku was happy things turned this way... It seemed easier, and, even when kacchan was a pain in the ass, they really improved when they began to work and train together.

Like everyday, Izuku used to get up at 6 :30, get dressed quickly and eat some bread with eggs in the cafetaria, still sleepy. He drank some coffie to stay awake and left, trying to keep his eyes open, to prepare his stuffs,and once in front of the classroom, he came like everydays to his friends to chat. Sometimes they'd talk about the schoolwork they had to do, what they did for the weekend or how mean could be Mr Aizawa. This time, they talked about their futur job enthusiastically and how they were already at the half of the year. As Izuku was talking at the speed of light like usual, Katsuki passed by, shoved him by the shoulder and kept walking with Kirishima and Sero.

- « ...Hello to you too Kacchan ! » Izuku shouted, frowning with a small smile.

- « I'll kick your ass today, Deku ! » Katsuki yelled, shameless as always.

- « That's what we'll see ! » After watching the angry boy walking away with is middle finger up, Izuku came back to the discussion with a sigh. Kacchan was really something ! But the bell rang with a screeching sound, interrupting them, and making everyone come into class, sitting at their assigned seat. As mrs Midnight began to talk about her lesson, Izuku gazed through the window and began to think... What will happen next year ? Will the class remain friends even if they see eachother less often ? He got so many good friends here, he didn't want to lose any of them... He wondered about Kacchan... Will they keep in touch, or will they forget about eachother and just work sometimes together as rival ? ...Maybe Kacchan would like to forget about him... He felt his heart squeeze slightly as he thought it was probably the last time they would be so close... He sighed and the teacher looked sharply at him, noticing that he was clearly not paying attention. The bell rang again, everyone went to his lunch. Midorya was still a bit distracted and as he walked, he bumped into someone and dropped his notes.

- « oh ! I'm sorry, I didn't see y- » stuttered Izuku, kneeling down to collect his papers.

- « watch where you fucking walk, Deku ! » Katsuki bowed himself and grabbed some papers as well, and shove it into Izuku's hands.

- « ...t-thank you ! » Izuku stuttered slightly, not prepared at the idea of Katsuki helping him. The blonde growled at his surprise and walked away,  letting Midoriya put the rest of his papers in his bag. Once done he joined his friends to eat, eagerly. And once again, they discussed about how exciting and a bit scary the end of the year would be, and their hero's job will be.

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