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          Saturday, October 31, 1981: Jenkins Pendragon is the leader of the vampires that joined Lord Voldemort during the First Wizarding War. He was also a pureblood wizard, a true legend that was highly regarded among the Death Eaters. When news spread of the fall of Lord Voldemort, Jenkins refused to believe it. However, now that he was raising his daughter, Sophie, he fled and evaded capture. As a pureblood and pure vampire, Jenkins was able to use his wand but was unable to be in sunlight and relied on the cover of night to travel. He was incredibly protective of his daughter and only allowed a few close Death Eaters to watch over her. Despite that, she was kept hidden from the rest of the Death Eaters, vampires, and the world.

          Saturday, August 18, 1990: For the past ten years, father and I always were traveling together. We never stayed in the same place for more than a week because we were looking for the Dark Lord. My father is a pure vampire and a pureblood wizard. He told me that I'm an extremely rare halfbreed being half vampire and half human. Since my mother was also a pureblood, like my father, it makes me pureblood as well. Even though my father's name is Jenkins, he ordered me to only address him as father. His hair and eyes were like mine and he kept his hair long and tied at the base of his head. I kept my hair long too, just like his. I learned quickly to follow his every order or else he'll hit me as punishment. Unlike him, the sun never hurts me and I try to stay up to watch the sunrise. Today was different. I woke up early with the sunset when I felt my fangs grow in. Touching the long canine teeth, I forgot all about the rules.

          "Father! Father!" I said excitedly as I shook my father awake.

          "Dragon, enough," he grumbled as he stirred.

          Father never liked my name and told me my mother named me. He said she was a traitor and the reason why his brother is hunting us. Instead of saying my name, he shortens our last name and calls me Dragon.

          "Father, look!" I whined and rolled him over towards me.

          He squinted against the rays of sunset behind me, "Dragon, you woke me early."

          I winced, expecting punishment, "I-I'm sorry, father."

          He sat up in our bed and reached over me, causing me to flinch, to close the curtains, "What is so damn important that you woke me with the sun still up?"

          "I-It's my birthday, father. I got my fangs," I said shakily.

          He froze and slowly turned to me, "Come again?"

          I opened my mouth to him and he gripped my jaw roughly. Wincing in pain, he ignored it and I could tell he was happy. As a vampire, I could tell what people are feeling and where people are, even though I haven't fully awakened yet. My senses were much more heightened than a normal human and I could turn into a bat by the time I was four years old. When I turned six, father was disappointed that I didn't get my fangs but he insisted I would get them soon. Usually, vampires awaken, get their fangs, and shift into bats by the time they are six years old. Father knew I would be different being a halfbreed.

          "About damn time," he growled.

          He yanked his hand away from me, almost throwing me. It was our last day in this house. The family that lived here were wealthy and we had already ransacked this home for valuables. They have a daughter too so I was finally able to get new clothes. Father never talked much but when he did, he was training me. From what I learned, we were once regarded like royalty with the Dark Lord as our leader and I was taught to pity the muggles. They were nothing but food to us and I often helped my father when he needed to feed. Now, he was calling in a favor to one of his friends in Wiltshire, England. With the stars to guide us, father and I turned into bats and we flew to his friend's mansion. It was a long and cold flight and I could read more of my father's emotions. He was always planning but something changed and I began to doubt him. On the front steps of his friend's mansion, I was taking in the beauty of the Manor and father and I looked wonderful in the clothes we had stolen. When he knocked, he glared at me.

Sophie Pendragon, Year One | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now