Chapter Five: Safety

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           "Dad, there's two men at our door. They're quite serious and they're very concerned," I said softly.

          "To be expected. Worry not, Starlight. Why don't we greet them?" dad replied and walked to the front door, still carrying me in one arm.

          Not only were vampires skilled with accuracy and speed, vampires were also much stronger than humans. It was one of the things I often forgot about since we also had to be careful with our heightened eyesight, hearing, and smell. Vampires can't taste food, but they were very picky with the intensity of their blood affinity. Dad could taste the difference between a liar who cheats compared to a liar that runs cons. When we reached the front door, dad waved his wand to cast light around the manor's foyer and opened the door, making sure to stay out of the fleeting sunlight.

          "Evening, Master Howl," a man in a bowler hat greeted as he walked in.

          "Lovely sunset tonight," an older gentleman said as he followed the shorter man inside.

          "Why, Minister Fudge, Headmaster Dumbledore, what a pleasant surprise," dad said as he closed the door behind them.

          "This must be your daughter," Minister Fudge stated when he saw me.

          I bashfully smiled to be polite. I recognized both men from the Daily Prophet and from some books in our library.

          "Sophie Pendragon," dad said and put me down to shake the men's hands.

          Dad led us to his personal study and we sat at the table. Minister Fudge was bothered, worried, and cautious. He didn't seem afraid of us though.

          "Now, Master Howl, you have been an immense help to the Ministry this past year. I will get straight to the point. Headmaster Dumbledore informed me that your daughter was accepted to Hogwarts. As proud as you must be, I have some concerns," Minister Fudge said.

          "Sophie will not cause any problems at Hogwarts. She is a half vampire. Sunlight does not harm her and she exhibits more human traits than vampire traits. This past year has gone with only one feeding that contributed to her awakening. She is still a pureblood witch, like her mother. If the feeding is a concern, I personally have been working on my own invention to relieve any vampire impulses," dad said firmly.

          "An invention? Now is not the time for experiments, Master Howl," Minister Fudge retorted.

          "I am most interested in this, if it would appease the concerns of the public," Headmaster Dumbledore said.

          Glancing at him, I noticed he had crescent shaped glasses and kind eyes. He was interested, calm, and patient. Dad brought out his finished product that we spent the last year working on. They were called blood tablets. In a square box, it rattled open to reveal circular white tablets. Dad waved his wand to summon a clear glass cup and waved his wand again to fill it with water. Dropping a tablet in the water, the water began to turn red and he drank it.

          "If it can quench my own thirst, it will easily satisfy a half vampire like Sophie," dad said

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          "If it can quench my own thirst, it will easily satisfy a half vampire like Sophie," dad said.

          "There will be conditions," Minister Fudge said, his opinion shifting towards supporting us.

          "I will have conditions as well," Headmaster Dumbledore said.

          "I will have to make some publication on this. If students write to their parents and the parents run to the public, it could cause absolute mayhem. If you're confident in your tablets, I suggest you start distributing them. It could stop the attacks as well," Minister Fudge said, almost interrupting the headmaster.

          Dad leaned back and then looked at me, "Sophie, will you be comfortable if the public finds out about you going to Hogwarts?"

          "Will I be safe? Jenkins was a dark wizard and a bad vampire. Won't the other Death Eaters also find out about me too?" I asked.

          Minister Fudge did a poor job lying, "Why, sweet child, there's nothing to be worried about! You will be very safe!"

          "I feel safer already," I said, almost sarcastically but politely for my dad's sake.

          "Now, for my conditions," Headmaster Dumbledore said as he sat up, "since you can function in the sunlight, you won't have any special night classes and I expect that dorming won't be an issue."

          I nodded, "I haven't fed on anyone in a year."

          I felt his suspicion but he smiled, "Welcome to Hogwarts. I hear tomorrow will be quite overcast so I suggest you go to Diagon Alley."

          "Sophie, why don't you write a shopping list with Calcifer while I talk out the details with our guests?" dad suggested.

          I smiled and politely told the men it was a pleasure to meet them before I excused myself. Getting a piece of parchment and my fountain pen from my room, I sat with Calcifer at the dining table. While waiting for dad to return, I wrote out a list of everything I needed this year. There were a lot of textbooks that were required and I knew I would be needing a rather large trunk to fit my robes and other listed requirements. At the bottom of my list, I made sure to add the tablets. Thinking about the past year, I thought about Draco. I didn't get a clear look at his face but I could never forget those eyes. If he was my age, was he also going to be attending Hogwarts?

Sophie Pendragon, Year One | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now