Chapter Seven: Friends

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           September 1, 1991: For the last two weeks, dad told me to avoid both boys and I realized I had met Harry Potter, the boy who lived. He worked hard to develop a plethora of tablets for me to take to Hogwarts and told me to write to him if I needed any more. Dad told me that the Malfoy family has all been sorted into Slytherin so I shouldn't be too worried about running into him again since my heart was set on being in Hufflepuff. My only concern would be Harry Potter. Dad wasn't able to take me to King's Cross Station himself to see me off at Platform 934 but he hired my former babysitter to escort me. He also hired her to take care of the manor now that he was devoting his time to develop tablets. My trolley only had my trunk on it and Calcifer walked beside me. In my bag, I had my uniform and robe for the change on the train ride. When we got to the Platform entrance, I hugged my babysitter and went through it alone. On the other side was the Hogwarts Express. It was a beautiful red color and the Platform was very crowded.

          Making my way through the crowd, I settled my trunk with the others and held Calcifer in my arms. My pocket made a lot of noise from my tablets and some money dad had given me. I boarded the train and found a cabin that was empty. I sat next to the window and Calcifer sat beside me. Even though I wasn't hungry, I ate a tablet to keep my urges under control. There were a lot of people here and many triggered my desire for unhappiness. To my surprise, a familiar voice greeted me.

          "Hi, Sophie!" Harry said in the open cabin door.

          "H-Hi, Harry," I said bashfully.

          Odd. He was really happy and relieved. He wasn't nearly as unhappy as when I first met him. Did something change?

          "Can I sit with you?" he asked.

          "Sure," I said, relieved he wasn't making me hungry.

          He sat on the other side of Calcifer, "I like your cat. I got an owl. Her name is Hedwig."

          I smiled, "That's a pretty name. This is Calcifer. I got him on my birthday in August."

          "Sophie, can I ask why you have silver hair?" he asked shyly and kept glancing at my braid.

          "Um. It's a little complicated," I said softly.

          "Well, we're friends now, right?" he asked.

          My face felt hot, "Friends?"

          "Are you ok? You're turning red," he said with wide eyes.

          "I-I'm ok! I'm just happy. I actually don't have any friends," I said, embarrassed.

          He had a sweet smile, "Me, too. Let's be friends."

          I matched his smile, "I'd love that

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          I matched his smile, "I'd love that."

          "So, I noticed your eyes are red too. Was that man outside Ollivander's your dad?" he asked.

          I nodded and played with my braid, "Do you know the name Pendragon?"

          He shook his head, "I don't know much about the magical world. I was raised by muggles."

           The train blew its whistle and I covered my ears with a wince. It was so loud! I felt Harry feeling concerned and he put his hand on my shoulder.

          "Sophie? What's wrong?" he asked, his voice wavering.

          "The whistle. I have sensitive ears," I said, whimpering.

          Thankfully, the whistling stopped and the train jerked forward, starting its journey to the Hogsmeade station. I relaxed a little and smiled at Harry. He seemed like he could accept me.

          "To tell you the truth, I'm a little worried to tell you why I'm so different," I said.

          Before Harry could respond, another boy knocked on our cabin door. He had red hair and was carrying a rat. I could tell he was in distress.

          "Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full," he asked.

          "Sure," Harry replied.

          The boy sat next to the window across from me, "I'm Ron. Ron Weasley."

          "Harry. Harry Potter," Harry replied.

          The boy's eyes got wide and he started to point at his own forehead, "S-So it's true! Do you really have the- the-"

          "The what?" Harry asked.

          "The scar," Ron stopped pointing to lean over towards us and whispered.

          "Oh!" Harry laughed and lifted his hair that covered his forehead.

          I looked at his legendary scar on his forehead too. It was shaped like a lightning bolt.

          "Wicked!" Ron exclaimed and sat back in his seat.

          Harry laughed and dropped his hair. We both went to pet Calcifer at the same time and our hands touched. I jumped and Harry turned pink. Ron cleared his throat and I looked at him.

          "Oh! Forgive me. I'm Sophie. Sophie Pendragon," I said sheepishly and blushing.

          Again, Ron's eyes got wide, "Y-You're Pendragon?"

          "Who is that, exactly?" Harry asked, very curious.

          "Only the most royal vampire family in Europe! Minister Fudge said a half vampire was going to be attending Hogwarts this year! It's you, isn't it?" Ron said, exasperated.

          "Vampire?" Harry asked, surprised.

          I shifted uncomfortably, "I was worried you'd be scared of me if I told you, Harry."

          "Well, to be honest, I wanted to see you again after we first met. Something about you made me want to be your friend," Harry replied and smiled at me.

           He wasn't lying. I blinked back tears, unsuccessfully, and rubbed my eyes. He wasn't scared of me.

          "I-I'm not dangerous. I'm only a half vampire. I don't even need to bite anyone. I know I look different with my hair and my eyes but I don't want to hurt anyone. My mum attended Hogwarts but she died after giving birth to me. All I want is to go to Hogwarts. Please believe me," I cried.

          "Aw, I believe you, Sophie," Harry said and rubbed my back.

          "Bloody hell, I'm sorry, Sophie. I didn't mean to make you cry. I think it's wicked, too!" Ron said and kneeled in front of me.

          They both comforted me and we formed a quick friendship already. Ron and Harry both hugged me and our cabin was soon greeted by the trolley lady. Harry insisted on buying the lot and we all shared the sugary treats together. The pumpkin pasties were my favorite. Harry and I both opened a chocolate frog and he got Albus Dumbledore. My card was Helga Hufflepuff and it made me so happy. With all our treats, we sat together on one side of the cabin and I sat between Harry and Ron. We talked a lot and ate a lot for the first half of the train ride. 

Sophie Pendragon, Year One | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now