Chapter Ten: Introductions

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           Even though it was a short walk to their table, I could tell everyone was watching me. I sat next to Ron, across from Harry and they introduced me to some of the Gryffindor students.

          "Sophie, these are my brothers, Fred, George, and Percy," Ron introduced with food in his mouth.

          I shook their hands, "I'm Sophie."

          "Peeves already told us about you. Half vampire, eh?" one of the twins asked.

          "Peeves?" I asked, confused.

          "Enough of that, Fredric. Peeves is the school's poltergeist. I'm Percival, but you can call me Percy. That's Fredric and next to Ron is George. I recommend you refrain from using magic outside of class. I'm a prefect for Gryffindor." Percy said and shook my hand.

          "She isn't in Gryffindor so you can't punish her. I'm Fred," Fred said and shook my hand next.

          "I reckon it should be ok. She didn't know the rules. I'm George," George said and shook my other hand.

           Percy huffed but resumed eating. Harry introduced me to Seamus, Dean, and Neville. Neville was nervous being around me but Seamus and Dean seemed to become best friends together. Harry told me that the man in black was Professor Snape and that he teaches Potions. The man he was talking to is Professor Quirrell and he teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts. As it got late, I went back to my table as the prefects gathered the first year students of their house to head to our common rooms. I waved to Harry and Ron as they left and tried to smile at Draco but he gave me a shy wave. Following our prefect, our common room was downstairs in the basement beside the kitchen and we had to go behind a stack of barrels. Inside, it was a lovely common room and I enjoyed the plants that hung from the ceiling. Susan, Hannah, and I went to the baths together and I noticed a bat hanging upside down in the nearby courtyard. I let the girls go without me and I ran to the bat. I stuffed my clothes into a tree and shifted into a bat and flew off with my dad. We went to the Black Lake and he shifted back as I did, landing in the stones on the shore.

          "Dad! What are you doing here?" I asked, worried and happy to see him.

          "The headmaster gave me permission but I felt a vampire would scare the school. I wanted to give you more of these. You've taken quite a lot. Tell me, is everything ok?" he asked and hugged me tightly.

          "I'm in Hufflepuff! Harry was sorted into Gryffindor and Draco was sorted into Slytherin. I made many friends in Hufflepuff already. I'll be ok, dad. Thank you," I said as I put the new tablets into my pocket.

          "Wonderful! That's good. Be sure to write to me every week, Starlight. I love you," he said and kissed my forehead.

          "I love you too, dad. Thank you," I said and hugged him one last time.

          We both changed into bats and flew our separate ways. As I arrived back in the courtyard, I shifted back and got my clothes from the tree. Going to the baths, I joined Hannah and Susan. We talked a lot and went back to the dorm together. That night, I slept with Calcifer all night long. It was the first time I slept all night and it felt nice being around girls my age and to have friends. 

Sophie Pendragon, Year One | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now