Chapter Nineteen: Quidditch

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          On the morning of the quidditch match, I got dressed in my uniform and headed to the Great Hall to meet with Hermione and Ron. I left my hair down and the whole Great Hall was buzzing with excitement. We ate quickly and went to the quidditch pitch together to cheer in with the other Gryffindor students on their side of the stands. Across from us were the Slytherin house students. I could easily see Draco with Crabbe and Goyle. I wrapped my face with my scarf when I thought he saw me. Hagrid joined us with a pair of binoculars.

          "Excited to see your first game?" I asked Hermione.

          "I am. I read all about it and the history of the game," she replied.

          "Me, too," I said.

          Madam Hooch walked onto the field as both teams flew out to their positions in the air. I cheered loudly for Harry when I saw him. Once the game started, I was able to keep track of everyone with my eyesight and I was able to follow where the snitch was going. Whoever the keeper was for Gryffindor was doing a great job preventing Slytherin from scoring. Gryffindor was also doing a great job scoring and I whistled for Fred and George when I saw them as beaters. However, the captain of the Slytherin team took his beater's bat and swung a bludger at Gryffindor's keeper. The stadium screamed so loudly that I winced in pain but I used my powers to help the keeper land gently in the sand that was at the base of the Quidditch hoops. I rubbed my ears and Ron put his earmuffs on me.

          "Thank you!" I yelled to him despite him being next to me.

          He laughed and gave me a thumbs up. The Slytherin team resorted to more cheating and sent one of the chasers between the tower banner and the tower. I brought up both hands that started to glow green as I helped her land in the gravel. Using my powers was starting to make me hungry and tired. I put my hands on my knees and was panting and sweating. In my pocket were my tablets and I took four of them. It helped a little but I heard screaming over the earmuffs. I screamed when I saw Harry's broom going out of control. When I saw the twins, I yelled their names and pointed them to Harry. Hermione left our stadium and I started to fight the broom. I was doing my best to make the broom behave but whoever was jinxing the broom was extremely powerful. It can't be a student. Worried, I looked at the teacher and staff stands and saw Professor Snape staring at Harry and his mouth was moving.

          "Tch," I said, "Ron, it's Snape!"

          He took Hagrid's binoculars and we both saw Hermione set Professor Snape's robes on fire. It caused a distraction and I held Harry's broom still. He swung back on when one of the twins held their bat to him and joined the game. I sat back on my seat and my head was pounding. My stomach growled and I devoured four more tablets. This was bad. I realized that whoever won the game would cause half the stadium to be unhappy.

          Panicking, I tugged on Hagrid's arm and he leaned down to me, "Can I go to your hut, please?"

          He nodded to me, "We'll meet yer there afta the game."

          I nodded and ran out of the stadium. When I reached the castle, I felt the disappointment of half the stadium. The game must be over but who won? I didn't have a lot of tablets for today but it should be okay for now. Was I hungry because I was using my powers or was it because I haven't practiced it very often? I sighed and sat outside of Hagrid's hut with Fang. Not long after, Hagrid returned with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. I stood up and dusted myself off. When they reached me, I gave Ron back his earmuffs.

          "Who won?" I asked.

          "We did! I caught the snitch!" Harry said excitedly.

          I gave him a hug, "Congratulations, Harry!"

          He laughed and lifted me off the ground before putting me down, "Thank you! It wouldn't be possible without you! You were helping me with my broom, weren't you?"

          I blushed and almost squealed when he lifted me, "I-I was. I had to go because it was making me eat a lot of tablets. I didn't want to feel how unhappy the losing team and students would be after the game."

          "Well, that makes sense," Ron said.

          "Harry's broom?" Hagrid asked.

          "Professor Snape was jinxing the broom. I saw it," Hermione said.

          "Nonsense. Why would he jinx Harry's broom?" Hagrid asked.

          "Why would he try to get past a three-headed dog?" Harry asked.

          "Fluffy?" Hagrid asked, surprised.

          "Fluffy? That thing has a name?" Ron asked.

          Hagrid scoffed, "Of course he does! He's mine. I lended him ta Dumbledore to protect the-"

          "Yes?" I asked.

          "I shouldn't have said that. No more meddlin'! You're all meddling things that shouldn't be meddled with! That is confidential business between Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel!" Hagrid scolded while pointing his finger at each of us.

          "Nicolas Flamel?" Hermione asked.

          Hagrid's jaw dropped and he started to walk away from us, "I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that."

          "Who's Nicolas Flamel?" Ron and I asked at the same time.

          Hermione shook her head, "I don't know."

          For the entirety of November, we spent all our free time in the library but we found nothing about Nicolas Flamel. It had also started to snow and I received more tablets from my dad. He encouraged me to explore my powers and I often attempted to stop snow from falling but I ended up in the clutches of the Weasley twins by December. 

Sophie Pendragon, Year One | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now