Chapter Twenty: December

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          "That's a neat trick," Fred said when they saw me stopping the falling snow one weekend.

          I jumped, "I'm just practicing."

          "Want to try something a little more challenging?" George asked and made a few snowballs.

          "Like what?" I asked and held the snowballs he gave me.

          "Try making them float and follow Professor Quirrell," Fred whispered and huddled with me behind the frozen fountain.

          I felt warm between the twins and saw Professor Quirrell walking by, "I can try."

          As he walked by, my hands glowed green and my hands were open with the palms facing the professor. I lifted my arms up and down to make the snowballs levitate. I bit my lower lip and applied more power to push them towards the back of the professor's turban. Bending my elbows and straightening them helped me push and pull the snowballs to repeatedly hit the back of his turban. We started to snicker as the professor yelped in fear and swatted the snowballs away. The laughter broke my concentration and I covered my laughs as the snowballs fell to the ground. The twins and I ran off, laughing in tears now.

          "That was bloody brilliant!" Fred laughed.

          I laughed and felt my hunger creeping on me, "That was but I have to go, I'm sorry."

          "Did you happen to save our teammates during the game?" George asked.

          I nodded, "Your keeper and chaser. I didn't want them to fall from such a height. I just helped them land."

          Fred kissed my cheek, "Thank you-"

          "For protecting our friends," George finished and kissed my other cheek.

          My chest throbbed and my face turned red. I froze and they started to laugh at me. I ran off and found refuge in the Great Hall. Students were heading home for winter holiday but I wanted to stay at the castle to help Harry, Ron, and Hermione. My dad allowed it and I started to work on my holiday homework. Without noticing, Draco stood at the other side of the table I was sitting at.

          "Hey, Sophie," he said softly.

          I looked up in surprise, "Oh! Hi, Draco!"

          We haven't spoken in so long. Why is he here now? His presence doesn't feel malicious. He just feels conflicted and cautious. He's probably still afraid of me. 

          "Are you staying behind for holiday?" he asked and sat across from me.

          I nodded and glanced at his face to figure out his emotions, "I am. Are you going home?"

          He nodded, "I am. I was wondering something."

          He began to feel uneasy around me and I gulped, "What is it?"

          He glanced around and leaned in to whisper, "What happened that day?"

          I gathered my homework, "Someone was unhappy. I made a promise to not feed. I just lost control. I saw your eyes. I am a monster. You were afraid of me. I couldn't. Not again. I need to go."

          He put his hand on my papers, "Stop running from me."

          He was getting angry and frustrated but I was anxious, "Draco, why do you keep bringing this up? I told you to stay away from me."

          He slid his hand slightly towards me so that our fingertips touched, "Please, just talk to me for a little longer."

          My heart skipped a beat when he touched me and I nodded to him, "Why didn't you tell on me? I-I attacked you."

          He hooked his middle finger around mine so that our fingers held each other, "I don't want you to leave. You bit me before, so why can't you now? I know that I was afraid but it's because I didn't know what was wrong. You looked different. That's all. You were angry and you screamed at me to leave you alone. You called yourself a monster but.."

          I was blushing but I didn't want to pull my hand away, "But?"

          "I never thought you were a monster, Sophie. Honest. I meant what I said when I said I want to know more about you," he said while looking into my eyes.

          He was telling the truth and my heart throbbed, "Th-Thank you."

          "You're turning red," he tried to hide a smile, "so does that mean you like me?"

          I pulled my hand away from his and covered my lower face, "No! I guess you don't have to stay away. I just can't bite you, Draco."

          "Why?" he asked, feeling disappointed.

          "I made a promise. I can't. Besides," I stuck my tongue out at him, "you aren't unhappy. You seem very happy now."

          He turned pink, "Shut it, vampire."

          I smirked and gathered my homework, "You're pink. Do you fancy me?"

          He stood up abruptly and slicked back his hair, "I am not."

          I smiled and he walked away without saying anything else. I looked up at him walking away and we made eye contact when he looked over his shoulder towards me. I blushed and hastily went back to my parchment. My homework was almost done when Cedric walked to me with the Gryffindor's Quidditch keeper.

          "Sophie!" Cedric said and helped me out of my bench, "This is Oliver Wood. He's the captain and keeper for Gryffindor."

          I smiled and offered my hand, "Hi, I'm Sophie Pendragon."

          He shook my hand firmly, "Pleasure. I owe you thanks. On behalf of Angelina as well. From what the twins told me, you not only helped our fall, but you also helped save Harry. Thank you."

          I laughed and shrugged, "I couldn't do nothing. I'm just glad you're all alright."

          "Cedric tells me that you'd make a decent seeker," he said.

          Cedric got embarrassed and cleared his throat, "What we're trying to say is that you should try out. Will you consider it?"

          I nodded and blushed, "I will."

          "Excellent. Harry said a few things about you too. I look forward to seeing you play next year," Oliver said and walked away.

          Cedric felt a little jealous and looked at my homework, "Doing your holiday homework already?"

          I nodded and packed it away, "I wanted to enjoy my holiday. Are you going home?"

          He felt disappointed, "I am. Are you staying here?"

          I smiled softly, "I am. Do you live with your parents?"

          He nodded and looked at my hair, "I do. I'm an only child. We live near the Weasleys."

          I felt myself getting shy and shuffled, "I didn't know that. I'm an only child too. Just me and my dad."

          "Well," he coughed a bit, "I better get going. I'll see you around."

          I smiled and walked to the common room. Calcifer walked with me and he had a small box in his mouth. It was a cute present but it had no name from the sender. I put it in my pocket and my thoughts were filled with who would give me a gift anonymously.

Sophie Pendragon, Year One | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now