Chapter 1

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Katara shivered, wrapping her arms around her legs and pulling them close. She wasn't cold, not really. She gave her wrist a flick and a nearby puddle of water rippled despite the lack of breeze in the caverns. She could feel her bending coming back, her shoulders sagged with relief. It wasn't Katara's first time being chi blocked, but she didn't ever think she would get used to that feeling- the feeling of being cut off from a part of yourself.

Her initial relief was muted by the realization that even if she could bend it wouldn't help her much in this situation. She glanced around, she was in a small chamber covered in jade glowing crystals Katara thought quickly, by the looks of it she must be underground, in the crystal catacombs underneath Ba Sing Se. She remembered Judee saying something about the stories of old Ba Sing Se, before it was the bustling city it is today. So unless she learned how to earthbend she was stuck here.

Aang, Sokka, Toph, they had no idea the trouble the ba sing se was in. She shook her head, pushing away thoughts of the palance being set ablaze with blue fire as Azula and her friends were now free to go about the city unchecked.

Suki, where are you? She said a silent prayer to Avatar Yangchen for Suki and the other Kyoshi Warriors. Sokka would have teased her if he had been there, growing up Gran had always told them stories about the spirits and the peace that Yangchen brough. Yangchen had reincarnated a time or two before Gran was even born, but the stories of an Avatar as loved as Yangchen never die.

Katara wished she could do more to help her friend, but she couldn't worry about that now. Even if she couldn't earthbend she wanted to be ready when Azula and her friends came back. She got to her feet and started inspecting the chamber looking for any indication of a tunnel or some obscure way out. She paced the room three times, before slamming her fist into the stone walls letting out a howl of frustration.

To her shock, there was a boom as the stone broke apart and a dark figured hurtled towards her. Instinctively, Katara turned to run but she wasn't quick enough. She screamed as the figure crashed into her, taking her legs out from under her. Her back hit the floor with a dull thud knocking the wind from her, momentarily stunned she found herself pinned to the ground the dark figure looming over her. From her peripheral vision she could see the entrance close, the stone coming together to seal the opening.

Horror washed over Katara and for a second she wondered if she hit her head as she found herself looking up at Zuko. "Get off me!" she yelled, whipping her hand forward and raking her nails across his cheek.

He yelped in pain. "Sorry, I didn't mean to- I..." he said, jumping back from her.

Katara rolled to her feet, hands raised in front of her. She didn't know if her bending was back in full force yet but she was not above throwing a punch or two if needed.

Zuko eyed her warily and for a moment she thought he might attack, instead her dropped his arms to a submissive position and lowered his head. "Look I'm sorry, I'm not here to hurt you."

Katara kept her stance, there were two likely reasons for Zuko's sudden appearance. He had been sent down here by Azula to get Aang's whereabouts out of her or he was a prisoner- and she wasn't sure which was more likely. She had a deep dislike for Zuko- being chased across the 4 nations by an exiled bounty hunter will do that to you. But she also knew that Azula and Zuko weren't exactly going to win "Sibling Duo of the Year", recalling the times she had shot fire or lightning at Zuko or his uncle.

Other than lowering his hands Zuko hadn't moved from where he was. There was an angry welt underneath his scar and blood had begun to appear where she had scratched him.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded, refusing to feel bad for the prince.

He raised an eyebrow at her, "Same deal as you, took a wrong turn at one of the catacombs and here I am."

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