Chapter 10

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I'm back!!! Sorry it's been so long :( But I have so many ideas for this fic and I'm currently commissioning a piece to go with it so stay tuned!


Moments later, eight of the most elite benders in the Northern Water Tribe sprung after Zuko. Zuko paused and Katara waited for him to fight back, waiting for the entire thing to fall apart. Instead he flipped backwards out of reach of the waterbenders, drawing their fire away from Aang and lowered his hands and head into a submissive pose.

Despite his clear surrender, the tribesmen were on him immediately. Several blasts of water hit Zuko at one time, sending him sprawling backwards on the ice. He started to get up coughing, "I'm not here to hurt anyone, I just want to help." Thick tendrils of water snaked out from one of guards arms wrapping itself tightly around Zuko's throat, in a sharp upward movement the guardsman lifted Zuko several feet above the ice, cutting off his air supply.

"Stop! You don't understand!" Katara yelled.

Zuko's hands flew to his throat, trying to disrupt the attack. His fingertips easily passed through the water but the grip it had on him remained steady, unable to alleviate the pressure. Katara shrieked and threw herself at the other waterbenders. Sensing her attack one of the men sent an icy disc towards her. She could tell that the warrior had meant it as a buffer to keep her away from the fray. It was one of the most rudimentary maneuvers that she had learned with Master Paku. It was something that any beginning bender would be able to dodge or break apart. It was never actually supposed to hit her.

But ever since the catacombs, when she had failed Aang and the rest of the world. Katara had been a little off her game. She tried to turn away but wasn't quick enough. Part of the icy disk slashed Katara across the face, from forehead to cheek. Instantly, Katara's world exploded into a sea of red as blood covered her vision.

Somehow she managed to stay on her feet. Katara screamed in frustration, couldn't they see how pointless the fighting was when Aang needed help? Zuko's struggles had begun to weaken and he was starting to look blue in the face, Katara knew she didn't have much time. Using all anger and emotions that had been building up inside of her she swung her fists downward and stamped her foot. "I SAID STOP!" she shrieked. 

The normally sturdy ice beneath their feet exploded apart, sending the warriors flying backwards. They hit the ground with a resounding thud, many of them knocked unconscious. Zuko fell to the ground wheezing, trying to get air back into his lungs.

Katara's limbs felt heavy as though all of the energy had gone from her body. "What have you done?" asked Chief Arnook in a low voice. She ignored him, making her way to Zuko. She dropped to her knees next to him. He was still doubled over on all fours trying to regain himself.

She reached out to him and he caught her hand in his. Without thinking she brought it to his face. "Thank you, Katara." he whispered before collapsing. She caught him just before he hit the ice.

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